I shook my head a little, closing my eyes briefly trying to think of something else which makes me happy and I could only think of him... It's weird how we make me happy yet sad at the same time.

I took a deep breath one more time and started typing.

...... I was a Dandelion puff... Some saw beauty in me and stopped quietly to admire my innocence. Others saw the potential of what I could do for them, so they uprooted me, seeking to shape me around their needs. They blew at my head, scattering my hair from the roots, changing me to suit them. Yet still, others saw me as something that was unworthy and needed to be erased.

Then I found you, who just came in my life as the wild wind, which took me away scattering my soul in freedom so I could dance. I could breathe again. I smiled along with you. You shared my sadness. You called me brave. You made me feel worthy. I thought I could live again. But...

When I was about to make a wish upon you, you blew away from me and got dissolved in the evening sky, leaving me in my darkness yet again.

I looked up at Cody to see him enjoying himself to the fullest. I envied him. I wish I was like him. He is the only one whose relationship is the same as me or Vihaan or the rest of the people.

Else people get bored and annoyed with each other pretty soon. Just like my parents... I couldn't help myself from slipping off to those horrible nights of my life when I would hide under the blanket in fear. I would literally shiver as I hear glasses breaking, my parents shouting, screaming, and swearing. Those horrible nights have scarred me for a lifetime. And it was on one of those nights I learned the truth about my parents, heard the most horrible truth that no teenage girl should ever hear.

I got up, sitting straight in my bed as I heard a loud noise of something breaking. I looked at the clock at the bedside which showed 2:30 am.

I took off the blanket and made my way towards the kitchen but stopped in between as I heard the loud sound from the bar area. I stood outside the door, unable to make a move. I was scared of opening it.

"Do you think I didn't know any of this?" I heard mom shouting, "What you do and where you go?"

"Keep quiet!" Dad hissed at her. I held the doorknob ready to open but then I heard something break again. Loud this time. I jerked and took a step back. My chest moved rapidly.

"I WON'T!!!" Mom shouted yet again, "You have to listen to me."

I have heard these fights ever since we landed in New York. But I'm still not used to them. Every single time I get scared.

"Do you think I'm just any other woman in your life?" I heard mom say, "I'm your wife goddammit."

"Don't touch me," Dad said being calm. He is always calm on the outer side but only we know what hurricane he holds.

"To show the world? Yes." he said further, "But you are nothing but a business partner to me."

"And since when you started that wife drama?" He said further, "There is no one here."

"I don't want to be your wife but I won't take it easy if you ever bring any of those girls inside this damn house." Mom said.

I felt some deep pain as if someone stabbed me. I took another step back as I don't want to hear any of this. I knew the problems but still, the young me didn't even think of this possibility. I thought no matter the fights and the problems, my mom and dad still are together.

And someday we will be a happy family. But I don't think that will happen ever. Tears escaped my eyes.

"Will it change anything?" Dad asked, "You are saying as if David is just your friend."

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