he has a dog!

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a/n: ik this ain't oikawa but this man is so fine 😭

It was Saturday morning which meant you took your dog to the dog park so he could see his dog friends. Needless to say he was ecstatic and you were half asleep. You spent a majority of the night finishing up your project. Attaching the leash to your dog's collar the both of you started walking to the park,

But when the both of you started walking you felt your dog tug on the leash, you looked at the direction he was looking at to see your neighbor walking his dog too. What a coincidence.

"Hey," you waved.

"Hi neighbor you still look like death, didn't get much sleep last night?"

"I stayed up doing a project for school." When he reached where you and your dog were at you guys continued walking, your golden retriever smelling up his husky.

"The one for stats?"

You nodded. "How'd you know?"

He laughed at your mildly shocked expression. "Everyone stayed up for that project, so I happened to finish it a week before."

A moment of realization rushed over your head as you clapped your hands together. "You wouldn't happen to go to (University Name)? Would you?"

The male nodded, "I'm in your stats class. Actually I've seen you around campus a lot and I've always wanted to say hi to you, but you looked so bothered that I didn't want to say anything." He laughed.

You furrowed your brows at him, "I'm just tired all the time, I'm nice I swear!"

"I know, I know! Let's be friends (L/n)!"

You did a double take when he said your name, realizing that you didn't know his. "Dude I don't even know your name."

"It's Oikawa Tooru."

"Ha, trashykawa."

"Shut up, I'm canceling my friend request."

my neighbor oikawa (tooru x reader story) Where stories live. Discover now