A new family

209 9 3

Hope u like it even though it sucks

Ps I'm going to make some changes and this is a fanfic


Your POV
After all those chit chat levi finally broke the silence
"Come on let's go to the hideout they might be waiting"

"Who is they exactly?"

"You'll see" farlan and isabel said at the same time

After a few minutes we decided it would be better using our 3DMG gear instead of walking

"FINALLY" me and isabel said at the same time
We might actually get along

Me and Isabel took off before levi and farlan could catch up to us
But since I didn't know where it was I decided to stay behind Isabel and follow her but since I was getting board I tried making difficult tricks to stop the silence

"Wow your pretty good using the gear (y/n)" farlan said
"Thanks your not bad yourself" I said

After a few minutes we arrived at a old looking but sturdy house
But when we entered it was a little bigger that how it looked outside

Simple but near is what I can say it's simple but VERRY neat did they hire a made or what

"Come on (y/n) lets go meet them they'll love you"

I decided not to question but just follow her
We reached a certain door which is the basement but when we entered I saw kids at the age of 7 and above

"ISABEL" all of them said with hint of sparkles in there eyes and all went to her to give a big hug
"Who is she?" One of them said
She is about 8 years old with beautiful blue eyes and short brown hair

"Hi I'm (y/n) it's nice to meet you what's your name" I said flashing her a smile

"She looked at isabel and she gave her a nod
"I'm rose" she said
"Nice to meet you rose and that's a nice name you have there"
" you have a nice name too and your pretty"
She said examining me
My (e/c) eyes twinkled in delight and happiness and I knew I won't be alone like these kids before

Pretty soon all of the kids introduced themselves and we played and got to know each other and that day I knew I'm never alone

A fight for our freedom (Levi X Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن