Chapter three When i started haveing deppression

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      (Fast forward a couple years) It was the summer before entering high school and I had just turned 14 half way through last year of school. That summer I was so existed to go to high school even I didn't know what to expect but I thought nothing could go wrong. Then a couple weeks later I found out that one of my close family friends had got diagnosed with cancer it was set back because he was like a brother to me and I know I could've get through it.
      I have finally entered high school. One week into high school I found out that my papa was in the hospital because he had a heart attack. I refused to go visit him for the fact that he was livening off of a machine and I didn't want to see him like that. ( her papa passed away and she went to his funeral).
      I've come to realize that I would never come out of my room, I started to sleep less, and I didn't eat as much becuase I didn't have the stomach for it but I pushed forward. A couple more days later one of my dads friends from high school her name is Nadia who is like a second mom to me her dad passed away. I would sit up in my room every night wondering and panicking about when all of these traffic events where going to stop.
      A couple months later things weren't back to normal but I thought everything was getting better and she didn't have to suffer anymore.
      But I thought wrong because a couple nights later  my uncle duck passed away and following after his funeral I found out my grandpa passed away. I went to both of there funerals and moved on to a bad state of depression and I had a lot of anxiety over which loved one was next to have a set back or leave the earth.
      I slowly pushed away social media and that this point I stopped posting on YouTube. But I did discover tik tok and that's the only social media I would go on even know I dident post anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2020 ⏰

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