"Commander?" I said unsurely. He seemed different. Like super different. His hair was combed back and he was wearing a black suit, he looked human. Not that he wasn't human. I mean, like a normal human being, except his ears were still pointed but he was... "Is that you?" I asked, just to make sure. "Yes, lieutenant." He said. I could barely hear what he said. 

"Where have you been?" I asked, "The restroom, I tried to dry my sleeves." He said, showing his wet sleeve. "What happened?"

"Mr. Chekov accidentally hit the glass on the table." He said. I dragged him to our table where everyone was. "You're back." Bones said, "And you found Spock."

"I'm sorry, Commander." Chekov apologized sincerely when he saw Spock.

"Do you want to take your coat off?" I asked. He didn't say anything, he just took his coat off and hang it on the chair. I grabbed his arm and opened his button. "You have a lot of arm hair." I said, giving him a smile. I rolled his sleeves just below his elbow, "There. You look nice." I grinned.

"Chekov, can you guard his coat please?" I asked, "Yes, Lieutenant." He said, nodding pompously.

"Where are you going?" "Where are we going?"

Bones and Commander Spock asked at the same time. "We're drinking." I grinned, patting Commander Spock on the shoulder. I gently pushed the him so I could walk in front of him, I grabbed his arm and we slid through the crowd to find where Jim was. I swear I looked everywhere and he's definitely nowhere to be found.

We walked to the bar stand with tall, round tables for drinking while standing. "I'll go get us a drink." I said, asking him to wait there. "I don't drink, Lieutenant." "Yeah, but tonight you do." I grinned. He was going to say something but I turned my back and walked to the bar stand.

I carefully made our way back to where Commander Spock was, putting his glass down. "Cheers?" I said, a little unsure, raising my glass up. He just looked at me, "Come on." I whined, I took his hand and made him hold the glass. He raised it and I cheerfully said cheers, gently making our glasses hit. I downed my drink at once and a lady holding a tray of more wine asked if we needed more. "Yes pleasee." I cheerfully said. 

She smiled, putting two more glasses of wine on the table, then she took my empty glass and smiled before walking away. I looked around and spotted Uhura with William, they were laughing and they seemed to be getting really close. "Are you jealous?" I asked Commander Spock, "They seem pretty close." 

He took a sip of his wine and looked at me, "I am not."

"You should try flirting too. Go say hi to that girl over there." I said, pointing at the girl who was laughing with her friends. "I do not wish to date at the moment."

"Aw, that's okay. You just haven't moved on yet. Hearts really don't break even." I patted his back, and gave him another toast before taking a sip of my wine. "Commander Spock said hi." I said loudly to the lady who walked by, "I did not." Commander Spock said, the girl smiled awkwardly and walked away, she seemed nice, might be one of Bones's nurses. 

"Stop." He said and I just rolled my eyes at him. I looked around silently, trying to find Jim in the crowd. That boy just disappeared. "What would I call you if you had antlers instead of pointy ears?" I asked, looking at him over my shoulder, "What?" He asked, confused. "Commandeer Spock." I said seriously before bursting out laughing at my own jokes. He smiled, trying to stop himself from laughing, "That was not amusing." He said.

"It was! Now you tell me a joke." I said, facing Commander Spock. "A joke?" He repeated, scrunching his face a bit. "Yes, a joke. You see what William over there is doing to Uhura? He's telling her jokes to make her laugh because women like guys who make them laugh."

Vehemenceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें