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Its already two month since their sleepover. They are on weekend, Minhyun just laying on his bed, think what he should do today.

"Should I call hyung?" he pick up his cellphone and call someone.


"Kang Minhee!~" Minhyun whine as soon as he heard his older brother voice across the cellphone, Kang Minhee who is now in Canada.

"call me hyung! you punk!"

"hyung!~ When will you came back?~ I miss you to dead~"

"I think you will be happy to die if i was not by your side?"

"when did I said that! I didn't..."

"I think you did"

"Hing~ When will you come back?~"

"Just wait, I have another 4 weeks here"

"4 weeks?!"


"Comeback home~ 보고싶어"

"나도, Mom tell me you loss your appetite"

""Mom tell you everything?"

"You, loss appetite didn't want to eat even your favorite food"

"Are you on your diet again?"

"I'm not! I just didn't want to eat anything just don't want so"

"Make sure to eat, Kang Minhyun or I will scold you when I came home"

"Okay hyung"

"I need to eat my dinner now, I will call you again later okay?"

"Okay hyung, byebye"


Minhyun put his phone away after the vall, "Minhyun! Come out and eat!"

At dining table, Minhyun just mix his food, "don't play with your food Kang Minhyun" said Ms.Kang that just came from upstairs

"You need to go?" ask Minhyun. "I have night shift today. Maybe dad will also need to stay at hospital until his operation done"

"I'm all alone"

"You can go and play with your friends"

"Kangmin going to Busan to visit his grandma, Seongmin going to spend time with his family today"

"I'm sorry my baby boy~ I can't avoid my work or you want to follow me?" Minhyun automatically refused.

"mom, you know I hate hospital" said Minhyun, "Okay okay, stay at home safely hunn" said Ms.Kang

"Mom, I want to buy a new cloth--"

"I'll leave the card later" said his mom. "Okay hunn i need to go so be careful when you go out"




Vancouver, Canada.

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