
Start from the beginning

"That was... The most badass thing you've ever done and I'm here for it." Rachel started and we all laughed. "Damn, Lil' B." Finn applauded me.

"Guys, Imma be honest. I think Bianca needs a new nick name. Something more simple." Alex said. "How about Bee?" He proposed the idea.

"I like it." I said. They all agreed and went back to talking about how much they dislike Paige.

"I can't stand Paige." Rachel shook her head and we all agreed. "Do you remember in sixth grade when you invited me to sit with you guys for the first time?"

They all groaned and started complaining about how Paige went off on them. "Dude, when I tell you she had an obsession with me!" Alex said, wrapping his arm around me. "I don't know what I was thinking!"

We spent the rest of the lunch ranting about her.

Flashback over.

Alex and I have been flirting for the past month, but, we haven't really talked about us. It was getting kind of frustrating. I really like him, and he says he likes me, so why aren't we doing anything about us?

I mean... We are doing things. But, not like, anything relationship wise. Am I over thinking this? Maybe. Definitely. Ugh! I don't know.

"Bee?" Alex waved his hand in front of my face. Damn, did I doze off again? "Yeah. Sorry, my mind was somewhere else."

"It's fine, you've just been kind of out of it lately." He says. "Are you feeling alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking." I say. "What about?" He asks.

"Why so many questions?" I ask him. He laughs and pulls me into a hug. "You can tell me anything." He assures me. I nod and I smile.

"Well, then can I be completely honest?" I ask. He shakes his head yes. "I would much rather be kissing you right now." He smirks and leans in, I lean in too. We're about to kiss and Bam! Penelope storms in his room. Of course. We jump away from each other and act like we're doing homework or something.

"Listen up. We all need to be in the living room in... two minutes and 34 seconds stat." She orders us. We instantly nod very quickly as if we were scared. Who am I kidding. We are scared.

"Let's go." I stand up and head for his door. "What about the kiss?" He complains.

"You can get it after, we have a Quinces to plan."


Elena is trying on her tiara. "I love it and it's super sparkly!" She exclaims. Pen hugs her. "I'm so happy you love it. You're only job is to be happy." Then she turns to us: Me, Alex, Schneider and Lydia. Her expression completely changes. Understandable. "Listen up, grunts." She starts walking around. "In 55 minutes, we have the final venue walk through. And you hear that rumble? Yeah? That's the sound of 183 Cubans arriving in L.A. Seventeen of whom will be staying this in room."

"Fire code wise, that's gonna be a-" Schneider started, bad move.

"Shut it!" She shuts him up. She gets all up in his face. "I'm running on no sleep and five Cuban coffee's. Do you really wanna mess with me right now?"

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