The fifteen-year-old shook his head in disobedience, the pain being too much for him to properly move his mouth.

“Zayn, open please.” The doctor pleaded gently, stroking a hand up and down the child’s arm. “You want to get better, right honey?”

Zayn nodded warily, meeting the eyes of one of his uncles.

“Good, well I can make all the pain go away sooner if you open your mouth for me.” Dally bargained, watching the boys face turn into one of debate. “It’s just us.” Dally motioned to himself and Tanner, “Your uncles. We’d never hurt you baby, yeah?”

Zayn nodded slowly, turning over to face his vampire uncle. “Good boy.” Harry encouraged, running a hand through his son’s brown locks, “Can you open your mouth for Uncle Dally now?”

Zayn slowly moved his mouth, wincing every time the muscles moved.

Dally quickly, but carefully, stuck the tool into the opened mouth. He flashed a small flashlight around the area in the gums to see better. Zayn would wince and try to pull away every time he felt the chilled metal probe at his sensitive teeth, but his father would just continue to hold him firmly in place.

 Dally exhaled loudly in confirmation, pulling all the items out of Zayn’s mouth. Harry watched over his son’s head as Dally jotted down some notes in Zayn’s medical folder.

“What other changes or problems have you noticed?” Tanner asked, reaching down to check his patient’s forehead.

“His eyes have been shifting in and out of a blood red color and his usual hazel.” Harry began, looking down at Zayn’s closed eyes. “His body has been having small spasms every now and then, as well as his body has been ice cold since he woke up.” He continued to list off to the doctors, trying to move as little as possible so he didn’t disturb the small boy on top of him.

“Alright, that’s good for now.” Tanner sighed, reaching down in his bag and pulling out his own small flashlight. After testing the light beam, he took Dally’s previous position beside the bed. “Hey babe, I’m gonna need you to look at me.” Tanner gently shook the tanned boy, trying to coax him awake. “I need to check your eyes love.”

Zayn slowly fluttered his eyelids open, being too tired to protest. As soon as his eyes were on show, Tanner flashed the small beam around the eye. He hummed when he saw the distinct red color, jotting more notes down on the boy’s record.

“Alright, I’m going to need him standing for this one.” Tanner sighed, taking a couple steps back from the bed.

“Zayn come on, you need to be up sweetpea.” Harry softly shook him, getting his eyes to droopily open after having closed them again.

Zayn shook his head in protest, turning over and burying himself deeper into his father’s chest.

“Alright,” Harry sighed tiredly, knowing that just asking Zayn to get up wasn’t going to do anything. He slipped out from under him, ignoring the pained groans that left past his baby’s lips. “I’m gonna need to carry you aren’t I?” He asked rhetorically, already bending back down to pick the little boy up.

As soon as Zayn felt himself being lifted, he immediately grasped around his Daddy’s neck, pulling himself closer.

“No no, cupcake.” Harry sighed, carefully prying the small hands from around his neck, “You need to be standing, babe.”

“Daddy no…” He whined, after he was put down. “Up, please!” Zayn cried, making grabbing hands at his father who just shook his head and took the little boys hand instead.

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