I just want what we used to have

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He left not too long after everything happened. We talked for a bit and by we I mean him. He talked about his thneeds and I did support him, this is what he's always wanted but I just wish it wasn't the only thing he ever thought about. I just miss what we used to be. What we used to talk about. When he wouldn't lay a hand on me like he does now. I miss the old him but I could tell he was happier not that he got bigger and that's all I really cared about.

He left because his lunch was over so who knows when he'll come back. He liked to stay up late and focus more on his work. He didn't like for me to leave the room because the people that would come might ask me things about him that I'm not supposed to say so most of the time I stayed in the room. It was a big room but I didn't have much to do. I would go outside to the balcony but after what happened I probably couldn't go out until maybe a month without him yelling at me again.

I was just laying on the bed when I heard a voice call out 'Onciie'. Great I already knew what was about to happen so I just prepared for it. Onclers mom poked her head in through the door and looked around the room. She walked in and again she said 'Oncie you in here?'. She looked at me and scoffed 'Oh you're here. Right well where is my oncie at?' She said rolling her eyes at me then giving a fake smile. I laughed to myself 'Don't act like you care about him.' I said looking at her 'Excuse me?' 'You only act like you care about him now because he's making money, he told me how you and the rest of your toxic family told him he wasn't going to make it now you guys care for him?' She didn't say anything just stared at me. She closed the door

'Yeah so what? As long as he's making money I'm going to be here.' I looked and shook my head 'Wow what a mother you are. He isn't like you you know? He's only acting like this because he wants to do you proud.' 'And he is now that he's making money. Now I'm going to go look for him and I suggest you keep your mouth shut about this conversation okay?' She said giving me another fake smile then walking out. Even if I were to tell him what she said he wouldn't believe me.

Time skip to night

It was 3 in the morning and he still hasn't come to bed. I knew I would get on his nerves if I went to ask if he was coming anytime soon so I just waited.  He came in and looked at me a bit shocked that I was awake. I wasn't in bed but I was just walking around the room. 'What're you still doing up?' I stopped walking and looked at him with a small smile 'Well I was waiting for you to come to bed'. He looked at me raising an eyebrow 'No you need to sleep don't worry about when I sleep' 'Well I just thought we could sleep together again, this is our room but it just feels like I'm the only one that actually stays in here.' His face went blank like everything in his mind left when I said that.

'Don't wait for me just sleep' he walked out. I didn't sleep until he came to bed. I would occasionally go sit in his chair then go to the bathroom then walk around the room again. Maybe 30 mins passed and he came back in the room. 'What're you doing your still? Did I not tell you to sleep?' 'And did I not tell you I'm not sleeping until you go to bed?' I don't know what I was thinking saying that to him I should've just listened. He came up to me and looked me right in the eyes. 'I'm not asking you to sleep I'm telling you now get to bed.' Something snapped when I heard him order me to get to bed.

'Or what? You going to hit me again? Because you know what that always seem to work huh?' I practically shouted at him walking up to him. 'Please do please just hit me as many times as you like! Because you care so much about me that you have to hit me to get me to listen to you right?' Anger grew inside of him and I knew it was. 'You don't know what you're saying y/n.' He said with an anger filled voice. 'Really I don't? Because the guy I once knew, the guy I feel in love with isn't you. You wouldn't ever lay a hand on me like you do now!' Before I could continue he did it. He slapped me across the face.

My hair covered my face. I was holding the side that he hit. I looked up at him and he took off his glasses and looked up. Tears were rolling down my face as I looked up to him. I sniffled I did made him look down to me. 'Hey' he sighed and tried to put his hand to my face but I backed away. 'Don't touch me, just go, go do your job' and I walked away. He stood there for a minute and let out a deep breathe and walked out of the room. What's going on with me?


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