eleven: the consultation

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RIGHT BEFORE THEIR first period class had officially ended, Steve leaned against Kate's desk, trying to grab her attention before the bell rang

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RIGHT BEFORE THEIR first period class had officially ended, Steve leaned against Kate's desk, trying to grab her attention before the bell rang.

She, however, had already gotten herself situated with her newest book, The Name of the Rose, opening to the page she last left off on before he'd even gotten out of his own seat. She tried to block him out, hoping that he'd take the hint that she, currently, was extremely busy trying to solve the murder mystery before the novel ended. However, a book wouldn't be near enough to turn him away.

"You weren't at your house this morning when I came to pick you up."

She didn't look up from her book.

"And you didn't come to my game yesterday."

She still didn't look up at him.

"So I'm guessing you're still mad at me?"

She finally looked up at him, then looked back down after only a second. "Obviously."

He sighed, rolling his eyes. He immediately regretted it but was more than glad that she still hadn't looked up to see it. "Yeah, well, can you call a truce or something for a minute, because this is actually kind of important."

She looked back up to Steve, placing her bookmark inside her book without even setting it down on the desk in front of her. "All right. Go."

He sighed again. He didn't know what her deal was. He wanted to ask her why she was so angry with him, why she wouldn't speak to him. He knew it must have been more than just the camera at this point—he wanted to ask more than anything, but he knew he couldn't. Not right now. "Right. So, Nancy's friend, Barbara? She's missing. Like, actually missing. She still hasn't come home, and the last place anyone saw her was Tuesday night at my place, so now the police want to talk to everyone that was there, including you."

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