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Is he the cute sporty guy or is he the dorky partying kid. Maybe he is super smart and kind of nerdy too. Maybe he will stick around and maybe he won't. Maybe he will love her or maybe he will play her. Either way she's broken...But don't let that fool you,her frame maybe broken but she is still beautiful. Maybe she cares to damn much for the boys who come in and out of her life. Maybe they care to little or maybe she tries to hard. Maybe she's meant to be alone or maybe she hasn't met him yet. Maybe she lost her chance to be loved. Maybe he loves her and hasn't told her.Maybe he doesn't exist at all. That girl deserves a man who will love her. Maybe she almost has someone and maybe that someone sometimes forgets to tell her she's beautiful or show her he cares. Maybe she falls for all the wrong people...Someone should show her that she is beautiful,take her hand,sing to her,hold her and most of all love her and even more than that. She is so strong but maybe she wants someone to be strong for her once. Maybe she needs someone to be the mature one in the relationship for once.Maybe she wants someone to fight for her if she tries to leave. Maybe she is standing right next to you this very moment or maybe you just let her walk is full of is full of broken promises, it's full of love and people who want to be loved.
So maybe just this once you could stop being so Clueless to the person next to you or that person you like. Maybe try not push her way and maybe just maybe give a damn about someone other than yourself. This goes to the ladies to if you have a good man don't be shitty to him because someone broken heart,sweet and caring girl is out there just waiting to love him.

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