Chapter 1

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I always sat in bed wondering. Wondering what? Well, is there something more to life then just this? I do the same silly things everday. Sleep, get up, get ready for school, turn my car on and off and hope it stops stalling, get stressed out at school, then come home and sit on my computer all night. Repeat.

I always waited for the newest thing. I scavenged for enough money to buy it, but when it was mine it sat. Laid to waste in my room. So here I sit now lying on my bed with my laptop as usual, but this time tomorrow is Saturday. This means I get an extra few hours on my computer.

"Hey! Hinata! You want food or no?" My mom called from the stairs. Did I want to eat? I can bet it will be a great meal, but what topics will my parents ask me about tonight.

I got off of my bed and slipped on my favorite pair of sandals. I never walk in my house with socks on the bare floor. I don't want them dirty. It was late though, the clock in my room said about nine. It was dark outside aswell. Did I miss dinner?

One after another my legs reached out onto the floor. The floor was not soft at all. Carpet was a dumb idea but mom knows best they say. I sprawled my fingers over the spherical decoration on the railing of my stairs, I always liked its glossy paint feeling. Then I slid my hand down the rest of the railing excited for the moment my hand will reach the other decoration, my feet just as excited to reach the bottom of the stairs.

"We are having pizza tonight since dad was late." My mother said as she spread the plates out on the place mats. Oh pizza. It was definately something holy and brought to us by some ancient god. I never was one for unhealthy foods but if pizza was a person, I would be married.

"Dad? What happened? Being late was never you, you love coming home fast." I found myself spilling out. I found it to be a stupid question but curiosity never hurt anyone. Except for the poor cat.

"Traffic, everywhere." My dad told me. Weird because he always drove back roads. I only knew this because I went to bring your child to work day every year. I think I may be too old for that. Oh well.

I sat down at the table. Everything seemed so silent. The rose in the middle of the table was beginning to wilt. The concept of cutting a flower from its life source to give to someone you love only to make them watch it die never made sense to me. Hey, here's a flower I spent money on and this is how much I care about you, so pretty much just watch it die and wilt away.

My mom opened the box and lifted the first slice of pizza. The cheese was gooey and kept stretching as she was pulling up. I never thought pizza could be so erotic. My mom dumped the pizza on my plate so rudely I could hear the cheese plop from around the world.

"Mom, this isn't ultimate frisbee. Pizza is too be treated like a house guest and served nicely." Of course we never ate our house guests, but just for the sake of comparison. She smiled a bit and  shook her head.

During dinner the dining room flooded with questions about school. How is it? Do you have good grades? How is this person and that person? Needless to say everything was good. The answer is always good.

"Well I think im going to bed, its getting late." I pointed to the clock, it was only just ten. Biggest lie I ever told but they beleived it so I was fine with it. I went back to my natural habitat and crawled into my burrito, this being my blanket, and browsed the internet. Basically the only place I can be social.

My eyes began to close themselves. That's how I knew it was time to sleep. I closed my laptop and placed it under my bed because god forbid I step on it and break it. Again. I turned on my television and crept the volume a little higher then normal just for the hell of it and drifted to sleep.

I woke up feeling greatly refreshed, plus it was only nine in the morning. I was definately feeling great. My body decided to stay in the blanket so I ended up bringing my laptop up to the bed once again. Maybe today I'll check the news. I have a current event report due soon anyway.

What a surprise. The top story is riots in canada due to overwhelming increase in Tickers. I still dont see what the problem is about Tickers. They are normal people just with a few added kinks I guess. How bad could it be, but whats this?

"New organization formed to seek and execute Tickers." I read aloud to myself. This is not a world I would like to live in. I read in books how in the past people judged eachother on things they couldn't help and this is almost exactly like that. You don't choose to be born and you don't choose to be a Ticker, I think?

I closed my laptop out of frustration. Outside my window a beautiful robin landed on the electric wire. It spread its wing and prepared for flight but hesitated before it was about to take off. It sat there as if it was just admiring the day its living in. If only life was that easy.

Getting out of bed was my least favorite daily mission. I love sleeping in my bed. It's like a giant pillow, my bed is a pillow, but alas my feet began to hunger for its very first steps just like a newborn babies fat legs. I sprawled out of my burrito blanket formation and transformed into a beautiful human butterfly and headed to the bathroom.

Oh no, I forgot my sandals. How will I survive! I can get them later. My teeth were already yellowing. Brushing them before bed seemed useless last night. I never do anything during the night that requires protection but my mouth looks like it just taste tested every single coffee flavor known to man.

The bathroom floor was cold, I hated it. Stop being cold. Brushing my teeth was agonizing, I must have fell asleep on my hand wrong that night. My mom began to walk around in the hallway. I only knew it was her cause she seemed to walk on her heels. It made her sound like a herd of elephants but the person to tell her that would not forget about it.

"Hinata you should hurry up, you might be late for school." I froze when those words escaped my moms mouth. Might be late! I thought yesterday was friday! I swore it was. None the less my paper is not done! I am screwed.

"Oh wait never mind its only saturday." She told me. She will never be forgiven. On top of all that Ticker nonsense I had to deal with the idiocity that is my mother. She is the definition of why people take U-turns. I picked my head up from the sink and my heart began to slow down again. Wouldn't look so good on the obituary to see a sixteen year old die from a heart attack.

I got out of the bathroom finally and my mother walked through me to get into the bathroom. I felt like those banners people run through at a finish line. Well nice one mom, you just won a first class ticket to the bathroom. Put that on your resume.

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