Taylor and oli vs evil Jesse

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Taylor's pov - hey oli baby would you like to help mommy fight evil Jesse

Oliver's pov - yes mommy I would love too

Taylor's pov - okay baby then let's do it then

Evil Jesse's pov - oh no you don't Taylor you and oli are not going to beat me up

Taylor's pov - oh yes we are if I have to get a lot more people to help us I will what do you think oli

Oliver's pov - woof yes we should get more people to join us mommy

Taylor's pov - okay then baby let's do it Jesse honey we need you and the guys and riri please

Jesse's pov - okay sweetie I'll get everybody ready

Taylor's pov - okay honey thank you babe

Jesse's pov - your sweetie and oli I love you both so much

Taylor and Oliver's pov - we love you too Jesse

While Jesse was getting everybody ready to fight his evil twin along with his wife and dog oli the Pomeranian slash teddy bear his evil twin was getting his crew together to fight them but what Taylor doesn't know is her evil twin turned on her along with riri's as well as Oliver's evil twin

Evil Taylor's pov - hahahaha I finally turned on my good twin to be evil like my husband evil Jesse she and I are going to fight each other

Evil Jesse's pov - yeah you got that right babe you can take your good twin on let me take care of my good twin Jesse

Evil Taylor's pov - okay baby I love you so much

Evil Jesse's pov - I love you too baby

Evil Oliver's pov - woof let me go after good twin oliver daddy please

Evil Jesse's pov- okay baby you take good oliver on

Evil graphnix's pov - hey what about us you idiot

Evil Jesse's pov - hey relax you guys are going to take on your guys good twins okay

Evil graphnix's pov - okay evil Jesse we thought you forgot about us

Evil Jesse's pov - bro I would never do that to you guys

Evil graphnix's pov - okay bro I can't wait for this fight

Evil hypemyke's pov - me neither hahahaha *laughs evilly*

Evil Jeremy's pov - yeah I agree with you guys this is going to be so good

Evil micheal's pov - yeah it is going to be good and fun at the same time guys

Evil riri's pov - yeah I agree with you all they won't know what hit them like literally

Graphnix's pov - okay evil graphnix's let's go fight each other

Evil graphnix's pov - okay let's go *starts to swing at graphnix * quit moving you idiot

Graphnix's pov - who do you think you are calling me an idiot *knocks his evil twin out* know who's the idiot know I win you big ugly ape

Evil hypemyke's pov - okay let's go good twin

Hypemyke's pov - okay *knocks his twin out cold * that was easy you just made it easy for me

Micheal's pov - okay let's go fight each other

Evil micheal's pov - okay let's go then

Micheal's pov - okay I'm ready to fight you *knocks his evil twin out cold * I won you big ugly gorilla man you

Evil Jeremy's pov - it's our turn to fight good twin Jeremy so let's fight

Jeremy's pov - okay *knocks his evil twin out* I won you didn't put up a fight ugly

Evil riri's pov - okay it's our turn now

Riri's pov - okay I'm ready let's go then *knocks her evil twin out* I win in your face like literally in your face

Evil Taylor's pov- I know you are not going to win this battle girlfriend I'm going to win this battle

Taylor's pov - oh know you won't I am because I'm stronger than you will ever be girlfriend *knocks her evil twin out* what did I tell you I won your good of doing some smack talk honey

Evil Jesse's pov - well well jester it's just you and me know

Jesse's pov - I guess your right about that one *tricks his evil twin* look out the window it's a squirrel

Evil Jesse's pov - where is it at outside the window huh I guess there's nothing there *turns around*

Jesse's pov - I tricked you evil jester *knocks his evil twin out* I win you big knuckle head

Evil Oliver's pov - okay now we are going to fight one another little oli

Oliver's pov - you bet we are the last one to fight each other * bites his evil twin dog on the neck * and then punches him and then *knocks his evil twin out * I win you big ugly dog

Hey guys I hope you guys like this chapter until tomorrow I love you all so much hugs and kisses everybody ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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