Abu Tagged meh :P

24 3 11

I might not answer everything because I don't like sharing too much online, but let's give it a shot.

I might not answer everything because I don't like sharing too much online, but let's give it a shot

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1. Abu_Senpai 

2. Um... oops XD

3. I'll try? 

My user name comes from the pen name I came up with in elementary school

I'm really good at the triangle game

I would do almost anything for chocolate.

I could kill for my kiddos

I'm interested in becoming a book editor/publisher

I'd like to be an author but I can't even publish on wattpad so I don't think that'll work out XD

I'm openly asexual to everyone but family (qwq fml)

Kinda going along with the last one, I figured out I was ace twice.  The first time I got yelled at for saying I was thinking about using "asexual" to define myself so I repressed until a friend came out to me. 

Two more okay um... I thought I was bi or pan for a while because I saw everyone the same.  

I'm learning how to do yo yo tricks.

That was hard XD

4. I don't have that many friends!  Okay have a few: 




Idk who else would respond so I'm not gonna tag anyone else XD If you see this and wanna do it by all means go for it.

5. Done :)

6. Well, I'd tell a French Revolution joke, but I don't think I'd execute it right. 
I'll just beheading out now.

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