"Do we really need to finish the paper works? What are those even for?" I asked, walking to him. "Those are documents of everyone in the ship, reports." He said. We walked out the hall and to the lobby. I spotted Scotty with Chekov and Wee man, immediately running towards them and leaving Commander Spock behind. "Hi, lieutenant Nova." Chekov said, grinning at me, "You're adorable, I'll never get used to you." I smiled, "And I told you, you can call me Lany." He adorably nodded, rocking back and forth. "So are you guys coming with us to The Central?" I asked. Commander Spock stood next to me after he'd catch up. "Sorry miss Lany, the Captain told us to monitor everyone from the Enterprise." Scotty said, I gave them a sad smile, "Okay, thanks mr. Scott." I said, "I'll be walking around the place, I'll see you guys later." I said, giving them a nod before leaving.

"Where are you going, lieutenant?" I heard Commander Spock ask behind me, "Jesus, you're still here. I thought you went with Scotty and Chekov." I said, stopping to push the heavy glass door. He pushed the door effortlessly, making me stumble forward. I sent him a glare. "I cannot leave you wandering off alone, if something happens to you and you happened to be under my responsibility, I might get accounted for it." He said, almost complaining that he was stuck with me. "I'll be fine, Mr. Spock." I said, it felt weird calling him mister instead of Commander. 

We walked out the hotel, both my hands were in my pockets. "This is just like being back on Earth, isn't it? It's amazing." I gasped. I immediately crossed the road, sighing in relief that I made it to the other side safely. I heard a loud honk and I turned to see Commander Spock was still in the middle of the road. "Oh my god." I ran to him, grabbed his arm, and pulled him to the sidewalk, "I'm sorry!" I shouted to the driver.

"That was a busy road, why would you walk so slow?" I groaned, letting his arm go. "You're the one who needs supervising." I said, rolling my eyes. I continued walking, looking back at the hotel every five steps or more, making sure that the hotel doesn't go nowhere my sight. "Lieutenant Nova, I think it is time to go back to the hotel. We are going to The Central." Commander Spock said. "Already?" I frowned.

We walked back to the hotel to meet with Uhura, Jim, and Bones before we get escorted to The Central. I've said The Central a lot of times in my head already that it's starting to sound weird. I skipped my way to the main lobby like a little kid with my guardian following me behind. "Hey." Jim greeted, "Where have you been?" 

"I was going out for a walk but I remembered we still had something to do." I answered. "With Spock?" Bones asked, pointing at Commander Spock behind me, "Oh yeah, he's like my ward but sometimes it's the other way around." I grinned, making Uhura chuckle. 

We made it to this huge building with a glass facade, the light of the sun reflecting off of it. Two securities escorted us into this huge conference room. "Please, be seated. Make yourself comfortable." The President, who I remember was named Eric, told us, gesturing at the round table, "Does anyone want something to eat? Drink?" He asked.  I am kinda hungry but everyone said no, so I'll just say no too.

"Sir, we would like to ask permission to survey your planet," Jim started, "We are from Earth from the Alpha Quadrant." He gave a folder, which seemed like a full information of what we're trying to find out, to Mr. Eric, who took the folder, immediately scanning over it.

The room was silent while we waited for Mr. Eric to finish with reading. We were giving each other glances and shrugs, and Jim's random eye rolls were sending me. Eric cleared his throat and we all sat properly, looking at him, "I approve of this... uh... to survey Kepler. It is our honour to share with you our traditions and cultures, there is a lot to learn so I hope you came prepared. Actually, we are getting started later tonight, I prepared a welcome party for all of you, I hope you can accept our invitation."

"Oh, you didn't have to bother, but thank you, sir." Jim said, taking the folder back from Eric. "Well, we like to celebrate here in Kepler, we enjoy dancing a lot, that is one of our traditions." He said, "My son can help you with surveying so you'd be more organized and it wouldn't take too much time looking for places to go. I'll call him." 

"Thank you, sir. You are very kind." I smiled, "We are very grateful for this."

"You're welcome, miss..."

"Ulani Nova, sir." I said, "Miss Ulani." He repeated. "This is Lieutenant Uhura, Doctor McCoy, Commander Spock, and as you already know our Captain, Captain James T. Kirk." I said, introducing everyone. "Nice to meet you, sir." Uhura smiled, "Nice to meet you too, I hope you're enjoying it here, so far."

"We are, sir. Thank you very much."

A tall fine man enters the room, giving everyone a smile and a nod. He had a black hair that was perfectly fixed, his 3/4-sleeved, white polo was emphasizing his shape, and his black pants made him look taller. He was radishing, I'd say.

"This is William, my son, he should be able to help you with this. He's a nice man, all the ladies are into him." Eric praised his son who just laughed at his father's note, "I am looking forward into sharing what we have with you, thank you for being here." William said. His voice was deep and almost hypnotizing. God, I need to stop fangirling.

We talked for a bit, getting to know each other and stuffs before deciding to go back to the hotel to inform everyone about the party. It will just be held at the hotel's event room so it would be easier to get back to your room when you're all drunk and stuff. I hope I don't get into the wrong room.


Hi, hello! I don't know who you'd like to imagine for William but I was thinking about Tom Hiddleston when I was writing this, I love him, yes. HAHA. Thanks for reading this chapter!

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