Part 8

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The days bled into weeks and Tom still met with Mr Reeds on a regular basis.In one of their discussions,they started talking about Mrs Calvin's role in this mystery.Then as if struck by an idea, Mr Reeds offered Tom one of the folders from his cabinet.He told Tom that it was a list of his patients who had gone missing recently and he asked him to see if he could identify anyone from those.Tom went through the papers trying to see if he could identify anyone from the list.Then he saw Mrs Calvin's picture at the bottom of the page but her real name,it seemed was     Rosalind Parker,admitted into Mr Reeds care an year ago.

"This is Mrs Calvin,the librarian!!!" Tom said pointing to her photo.

"I thought so.Ha..Haa..Now we are getting somewhere"Mr Reeds said excitedly.

"What do you mean Mr Reeds?" Tom asked doubtfully.

"Well it means for one thing, we are dealing with only one person from the spirit world,as obviously your Mrs Calvin is very much alive.The second thing is that this mystery man is influencing her to do his bidding,she may not be able to see him but her mind being fragile can be easily influenced.Our job Tom must be to first capture her,this will help to keep him bow tied for some time.That is the time we get to communicate  with him and try our best to help him."said Mr Reeds.

"Communicate with him?Do you mean through me?" Tom asked disheartened.

"That is necessary Tom,if we have to finish with this problem once and for all.But when you do it,we will be with you and at the first sign of danger we will be able to stop it." Mr Reeds said in his most motivating tone.

But Tom was still not convinced but he kept his fears to himself.Tom  stood up and headed for the door after bidding farewell to Mr Reeds,but when he reached  the door he spun around,suddenly remembering something important.

"Mr Reeds,how is it that you kept the journal from disappearing?"he asked.

"Oh,that.The truth is I didn't try Tom.Our mystery man simply let me keep it,it seems.May be he wants us to figure this out so that we can help him." Mr Reeds said.

Tom left with his mind spinning with questions,that only one person could answer.But the price that he might pay for those answers would never be worth it. 

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