'What's that?' An officer asked.

'An extreme form of bondage. Sexual arousal is connected to the anxiety of feeling confined, usually by total encasement in tight spaces,' Laylah answered.

'It's typically practised by consenting partners, but the unsub's anti-social nature turned it into his method of killing,' Spencer added; 'It's possible he suffered from claustrophilia while in prison and is now revisiting that trauma onto his victims.'

'Or it happened before prison. An event in his teenage years antagonised his already latent deviance,' Rossi added.

'This guy gets off on the power of impersonating law enforcement and the respect and access credentials command. This affirmation seeking behaviour is what motivates him,' Morgan stated.

'It means he's driven by more than wanting to hear yes. He needs his victims to let their guard down, allow him into their homes, cooperate. The ruse gives him that,' JJ spoke firmly.

'How's he choosing his victims?' The same officer questioned.

'Well, his selection criteria is simply availability and vulnerability.'

'He's a highly organised thinker and planner, and he executes his ruse with confidence, but he is on a spree and he will devolve. LAPD should increase patrols in targeted neighbourhoods, and my team will visit and assess the earlier crime scenes. Thank you,' Hotch nodded.

Laylah glanced at Spencer, subconsciously choosing his face before she sent him a small smile; following the team to the conference room set aside for them. She jumped when an arm slipped around her shoulders, Derek's cologne hitting her nose. She looked to his amused face, cocking a brow at him in question.

'If you're trying to hide your feelings for Spencer from him, you're failing,' He spoke lowly.

'Shut up, Morgan,' She whined.

'I'm just saying, kid. Those dazed looks you're giving him-'

She shoved him off as she pouted like a child, trying not to laugh as her cheeks turned red.

'Laylah,' He teased; 'You can tell me, I won't tell him.'

'You already know. And I'm guessing, you found out off Penn,' She suggested.

'Nope. You just told me.'

'You little shit.'

'I won't tell the kid.'

'He... Kinda already knows.'

'What was that?'

'He asked me on a... On a date... And I said yes.'

'He asked you out? The kid manned up and asked you out?'

'Yeh, he did.'

'Damn. Sav and I were just going to ditch you at the restaurant.'

'I knew you were up to something.'

'Well, not anymore, pretty boy changed the plans.'

'Are you just shifting us off cause Savannah wants to talk?'

'What? No... Maybe.'

'You're gonna be ok, De. I don't think she wants to break up with you.'

'You don't?'

'After everything you've told me about her, she'd be stupid to loose her soulmate like that.'

'You believe in soulmates?'

'I believe everyone out there has a perfect match, yes.'

'And was Adam yours?'

She cast her gaze downward, licking her bottom lip before she chewed it for a second. She peered at Spencer through her eyelashes, before she nodded slowly; unsure in her answer.

These Little Things || Spencer ReidΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα