First day blues

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It's been a few days since the end of summer party and now they are just buying time before school starts. Jughead sits at the bar in The Wyrm. It's a hot summer day and he's trying to stay cool.

Betty is across the bar doing Yoga. Yes, yoga. She decided that she wanted to start a weekly biker yoga class. It helps her with her mental health and she enjoys showing these burly men how to do poses like, the cat, the chair and the corpse, makes her absolutely giddy. Jughead is still amazed that she was able to get them to learn yoga. Betty still tries to convince him to do it, but hasn't succeeded yet. She wants to make it mandatory, he tells her no, mainly because he doesn't want to do it.

Jughead does enjoy watching his men fall on their ass trying the pose's. What he enjoys even more is watching Betty do the poses, he's learned that she can bend in ways he never knew she could. Which makes him extremely happy.

Archie comes in and sits next to him." I see that it's yoga time." he said.

"Sure is." Jughead smirked.

"I still don't get it." Archie said, shaking his head.

"I know, but look, 8-ball is really enjoying himself." Jughead said.

"Yeah he is." Archie laughed. "So, I got info on the new teacher starting at Riverdale high this year." Archie said.

"Oh, there's a new teacher?" Jughead questioned.

"Yeah, didn't you read the memo from school for the upcoming year." Archie laughed.

"Yeah, nope." He said, smiling.

"Okay" he said. "Well, Duncan has been trailing a ghoulie that has been coming back to town the past few weeks, he's been meeting with this teacher." he adds.

"Ugh, Sweets just told me they had left town." He said.

"Well, the majority of them have. Only a select few have been seen in town. Meeting with who they call the candy man." Archie said.

"Candy man?" Jughead said, arching his brow.

"Yeah, that's what they call him," archie said.

"That reminds me of a movie that was on cable last week. It was called Candyman, about a spirit that came back and killed people if they said his name in the dark and shit, Betts wouldn't sleep that night." Jughead said.

"Never heard of it." Archie said.

"It's old, looked old anyway. I'm pretty sure it came out before we were born." he said. "Don't watch it with a woman, you won't get any sleep that night, because they are making you check every noise they hear." he said, shaking his head.

"She did not." Archie chuckled.

"Oh she did." he laughed.

"She did what?" Betty asked as she slid right into the empty seat next to Jughead.

"Nothing, talking about business." Jughead said.

"I'll catch you later, Jug. Bye Betty." Archie said as he got up and left the bar.

"Looking good, over there." he told her.

She grabbed a water from behind her. "You know, yoga isn't horrible, you may like it, if you give it a chance" she said as she took a sip of water.

He laughed. "Ain't going to happen, babe." he said.

She smirked as she hopped off the stool. "Don't be so sure about that, take it as challenge accepted." she said as she sashayed away.

Southside: a story of us: part 2; Senior year.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora