Chapter Two

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"How long will you be gone?" Chris asks laying on her bed, one hand behind his head.

Stella was packing a small bag to go shopping but Chris was concerned. There were fans waiting outside for both Stella and CNCO so he was afraid she would be hurt if she left the hotel. The show was still a few days away but they were in LA and every fan going to the concert was practically waiting outside the hotel doors.

"I just want to do a little bit of shopping. Maybe an hour or so." She pleads with Chris.

Chris has never the kind of brother who would stop her from doing something but if he were worried about her she would feel too guilty to enjoy herself.

"Richard went out earlier today and he wore a little disguise. Just some sunglasses a hat and he wore different clothes than normal. Why don't you do that?"

"Will it make you feel better if I do?"

"Mmhmm." Chris was scrolling through his phone looking at videos and photos of the fans outside.

Stella put together a quick disguise, some glasses, tied her hair up and put on low-rise jeans and a singlet top. A 90's inspired outfit that she had never worn before. Stella was able to sneak past the fans without anyone noticing who she was. She was nervous and stressed that she would be caught but as she turned onto Rodeo Drive she was grateful that there were no fans around and she would be able to take some time to enjoy LA.

Rodeo Drive looked just like all the pictures she had ever seen. Their were a few tourists littered around but definitely many many high class Americans shopping like Rodeo Drive wasn't a place of magic. The warm summer air hit her and she regretted the choice of jeans. An iced latte – that would make her feel a little better about her heat. As she turned towards the Nespresso store just off a side street of Rodeo Drive, she felt a scolding hold liquid poor down the front of her singlet top. The temperature heated her body and her frustration grew.

"Are you kidding me?" she growled. She look up at the culprit and saw a man in glasses and a hat. A similar disguise to hers. "Look where you're going!" she tries not to shout in an attempt not to bring any attention to her and this man.

"Are you for real? Maybe you should watch where you are looking!" he fights back.

Instantly Stella recognises the voice. She pulls her sunglasses down looking at him up and down, and then rolls her eyes. "Richard?" she asks.

"Stella." He grunts.

"I should've known it would be you annoying me on my day off."

"Are you for real Princesa? You really going to hit me up with that attitude? Then the boys have the audacity to ask me why I don't want you on tour with me." He rolls his eyes. "You'll be okay to clean yourself up." He walks away from you towards his original direction.

Stella looks down at the coffee that has stained her top and pulls it away from her skin. The top wants to stick to her body but as she walks back to the hotel, she holds it at bay.

"I guess there goes my shopping day." Stella rolls her eyes as she pushes her way into the hotel.

Stella sees Erick in the hotel lobby and walks over to him. His face and presences eases her anger and annoyance. Erick's face brightens up as he sees his best friend walking over. He opens his arms to hug her but notices the stain on her shirt and holds back.

"What happened to you?"

"Richard spilled coffee on me." She rolls her eyes. "What are you doing in the lobby?"

"I was just waiting for Hugo and Ali. They wanted to meet with all of us. Didn't you get the text?" he asks.

"I haven't checked my phone." Stella pulls her phone out from her back pocket and sees a text from her manager.

'Meet me in the lobby at 3. Quick CNCO + Stella Velez meeting.'

"Oh I got it." She smiles and looks over to see Chris, Zabdiel and Joel sitting next to Ali and Hugo. "Is Richard coming?"

"Why you want to know?" Stella hears Richard ask as he walks past her. "Miss me or something Mamita?"

Stella rolls her eyes and Erick laughs. She pushes Erick's chest as Richard sits with everyone else.

"Don't encourage his shit attitude! He hates me!"

"He doesn't hate you! At all! Trust me." Erick looks at you like he knows more than he should but before you can press further, Zabdiel walks over.

"You two coming or what?" he has a slight bite to his tone and you look at him puzzled. "Sorry, I woke up from a nap for this meeting. I'm a little pissed."

You laugh and walk over with him and Erick. You all sit around a small table but there aren't enough chairs, so instinctively, Stella sits on the arm of Erick's chair between him and Chris. Erick moves over slightly and pulls Stella onto the chair properly. She's half on his lap and if it were any of the other boys, Chris would have told them off but he knows that they are just friends.

"Ok. Now that everyone's here we can chat!" Hugo claps his hands together.

Ali smiles and starts her speech.

"So obviously this tour is going to be great. Anyone who is a fan of Stella is a fan of CNCO and anyone who is about to be a fan of Stella is most likely already a fan of CNCO. Hugo and I were looking at some demographics and realised that there is a portion of Stella's fans who might not even know who CNCO is and there is a portion of CNCO fans who don't know Stella."

Hugo continues.

"We have decided that CNCO and Stella Velez should do a song together. We need to work quickly though because he want it released just before tour starts and you can sing it during CNCO's set."

"Tour starts in two days." Stella interjects.

"How can we do a whole song in that time?" Joel questions.

"Ali and I already set up some songs that we can record, we can set up a little recording booth with some mattresses and pillows. That's the easy part, we just need you six to pick a song."

"But we can't even write it. It's going to be someone else's song." Zabdiel's frustration is clear.

"It wouldn't be the first time." Ali smiles trying to ease the tension. "I know you guys would prefer to write it all yourself but this song is more to promote the tour and get more tickets sold."

"We don't just want to put out a song to sell tickets." Erick interjects.

"How about you just five the songs a listen and go from there?" Hugo suggests.

"Right here?" Stella questions.

"I'll send you all the songs. Pick your favorite and we can discuss it tonight after dinner. We might have to have a late night recording." Ali smiles.

"Want to come to my room and listen to the songs together?" Erick asks Stella while the rest of the team heads to their rooms.

"Yeah let's go!" Stella jumps up and grabs Erick's arm pulling him with her.

"So we all agree the second track, is the way to go?" Ali asks.

"I like the third song best but if everyone else wants the second then let's do that." Stella rolls her eyes at Richards comment but doesn't take it further. Not this time at least.

"Track two then!" Erick celebrates and reaches for the mini bar. "Champagne?"

"Why?" Stella chuckles.

"Come on Stella! We are about to release a song together. Isn't that exciting?" Chris questions slinging an arm over her shoulder.

"Very exciting." She laughs wrapping an arm around his waist.

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