The Heist Part 1

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'''a normal morning the sun is shining and everyone attends to they're normal routine the banker arrives smiling ready to start her morning saying good morning to her fellow Chocolate loving chara's then she open the door the Charas lined up and she began to help them. Then a small masked assailant kicked open the doors and held two machines guns'''

Masked Chara: "Don't any of you move!"

***The other charas stood in place with hands up dropping anything they hand in there hand a baby cried when it hit the floor the room was silent except for the baby. The masked Chara point a gun at it***

Masked Chara: "shut up before I make you look like melted chocolate all over these people!"

***The baby raised it's hands up and was silent. The masked Chara made her way to the banker Chara shoving the other Chara out of the way knocking them to the ground***

'''Charas hitting the ground

"Owie! my glasses"

"Nooo my nails!"

"Ouch! My knife!"***starts to bleed out***

"Meh I've been pushed harder"


Masked Chara:"all the Chocolate in the bag now!"

Banker Chara:***reaches under the desk one hand still up she grabbed some thick bars of Chocolate and dropped them in bag***

Masked Chara:"heh heh heh good Chara now I'm getting out of here"

***The masked Chara dashed out of the building stepping on one Chara with a knife in its side and kicking the baby to its mother. She retreated behind a nearby building and opened the bag to devour her spoils***

Masked Chara: "yes it's all mine!"

***She said pulling out a thick bar of Chocolate***

'''beep beep beep'''

Masked Chara:"what's that noise"

***It's was coming from the Chocolate she looked at it and it exploded splatting melted chocolate on her face***

Masked Chara: "My eyes!!!"

***She start walking backwards rubbing her eyes and fell dropping the bag of chocolate on her***

'''intense beeping'''

***The other chocolates exploded all over her covering her in Chocolate. Right after that sirens could be heard and soon a bunch of small police Chara surrounded her. All of them had pistols pointed at her. A helicopter arrived and the Chara on the helicopter aimed a mini gun at the Chocolate mess another police Chara stepped out of a police car with holding a megaphone***

Police Chara: "Stand up with your tiny hands in the air!!"

Masked Chara:***painful moaning***

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2020 ⏰

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