She wished she herself could be apart of such things as she used to when she was younger, but she was not. It was frowned upon for a queen to do such things and that was what she hated most about being queen, even after all these years.

As the two boys began to spar once more, Henry made his way over to Lizbeth. He smiled happily at his wife, bending down to kiss her.


In the main rooms of the castle, Lizbeth and Henry were sitting in their chairs when a messenger walked over. He handed Henry to the invitation from Nora before he walked away.

Henry was hesitant for a long moment, just before he finally opened up the piece of paper closed together with a wax seal.

Lizbeth turned to Henry, watching as he sighed in defeat. "What is it?" She asked, a concerned look on her face.

"Nora of Lancaster writes on behalf of so-called 'Prince George'. Inviting the Queen and I to her guests at court."

"She is more shameless than ever," Margaret complained, a horrified look on her face.

"You must refuse," Jasper insisted in an almost pleading tone.

"Must I?" Henry raised a brow at his uncle, an amused look on his face, "And here I was thinking what a pleasant trip it would be."

"Prince George?" Margaret asked, an uneasy look on her face, "The whole world knows he died in the Tower years ago."

Margaret turned to look at Lizbeth, remembering what she had told her years ago. Lizbeth tried to hide her own uneasiness, just as Margaret did. "Nora is either mad or a fool." She continued on.

"She's neither. It's Nora we speak of," Henry argued with his mother, "Of course she knows the boy is an imposter. Like the last. What does it matter if she is able to convince people otherwise?"

"The people of England support you, my love," Lizbeth quickly spoke up as she squeezed Henry's arm in comfort, "Do not doubt that."

Henry grabbed her hand, holding it in his own as Lord Stanley cleared his throat.

"There are rumors, Your Grace, of..." He trailed off, causing the duo to turn to look at the man, "Nobles in the southern countries planning to flee to Burgundy."

"We shall close the ports," Margaret quickly spoke up and Lizbeth rolled her eyes, knowing such a plan would never work.

"And stop all trade and legitimate travel because of a mere rumor?" Lizbeth asked, letting out a scoff, "They'll view us to be scared and weak."

"Her Grace is right," Sir William Stanley spoke up, agreeing with Lizbeth, "England would be up in arms in no time."

"I agree as well," Henry added in, much to Margaret's dismay, "It is too drastic. The world would think Lizbeth and I acted out of fear."

"How will you respond?" Jasper asked, a concerned look on his face.

The group of nobles watched as Henry and Lizbeth turned to each other, beginning to whisper amongst themselves.

Margaret watched on, trying to contain her anger.

They acted more and more like Edward and Nora as each day passed. Henry was beginning to act like Edward when it came to valuing the woman he loves' advice above everyone else's, despite their enemy being the woman's family.

Margaret despised it above all else. She hated that Henry truly viewed Lizbeth to be his co-ruler. She was a queen consort. Well, in her eyes. The majority of England didn't see it that way.

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