Jamie strolled over her hands behind her. Catching sight of Prince, she nodded her head in acknowledgement. "I heard you, Dev. You surrender." Jamie lowered herself to his level. "I'm only here to give you your hat."

Holding out his hat expecting him to reach for it he smashed a melting snowball in her face.
"Okay, now I surrender for real."

Jamie nodded as she wiped the snow from between her eyes. Hearing Prince laughing she quickly turned to him. "What are you laughing at?"

"Whoa," Devin exclaimed, finally giving him notice. "You're Prince." Devin stood in full view. "You guys know Prince?!"

"I guess you can say that," Nova chimed.

"Devin, what you know about Prince?"

"I like his movies," Devin explained. "And his song Laydown."

"Is that so? Wanna see some of the stuff from the movies?" With Devin nodding in excitement, Prince took his hand. "Well, let's go inside and I'll show you around."

The tour lasted for some time, but eventually Devin, Nova, and Andy ended up in the sound stage playing Call of Duty. As for Jamie, she wound up in studio B with him.

"We're gonna be here awhile," she informed him, crossing her legs in the rolling chair. "It took a while to even get him to stop playing back at the house."

"He's gotten so big. How old is he now?"

"He'll be ten in a few months. So what did you want me to hear?"

Prince turned his focus to the computer in the studio. "It's something I finished not too long ago. I released it but was having second thoughts and took it down. I wanna know your thoughts." Queuing up the track he fiddled with a few levels. "Be honest."

"Just play it..."

Jamie listened attentively as the track opened with Prince gently speaking to the love interest of the song.

Finally my eyes are open
I dream about you all night long
The only thing that I've been hoping for
Is before you to go to work babe, we get it on
I ain't tryin' to make you blush
But I just wanted to tell ya, I think you're great
I know you're late, but I need another taste
Breakfast can wait!

Grits and gravy, cheese eggs and jam
Can't nobody cook it like you girl
No ma'am!
This here early morning, need something else on my plate
I think I want another bite of you
Breakfast can wait!

Jamie shifted her gaze over to a grinning Prince. Hearing the last few lines her face reddened thinking about the small reveal she'd made that morning in Chicago. "Wow."


"When did you right this man?"

A knowing smile slowly spread across his face. "That last morning in Chicago."

"Ahh, a little rendezvous inspired a whole song. I dig it."

They fell silent, listening til its end. "I like the ending. The voice. It's playful. Kind of goes along with the song. The act itself."

"Glad you like it."

"For sure. Care to play me something else?"

Prince leaned back in his chair, allowing her full view of the monitor. "Take your pick."

Jamie reached over him, scrolling through the list of songs. "How about this one?" Highlighting the file Jamie fell back into the chair. "Could be a deep cut." Reading the title, Prince strolled down the list which hadn't gone unnoticed. "Aye c'mon, don't do that. You said take your pick."

"You won't like it."

"Says you," she countered. "Let me be the judge of that myself."

Prince returned to the file. Double clicking it, it opened. "Are you sure," he asked with the mouse hovering over the play button.

"Positive," she assured him, spinning around in the rolling chair.

Pressing play the tracked opened with a dial tone followed by the dialing of keys then it rang. Once answered two voices sang in unison.

I think it's bout time
That I got time
Alone with you

Jamie stilled in the chair hearing the last line. With her back to him she continued to listen to Andy sing.

I think I'm running out of patience
I think I'm running out of lies
I think its bout time I tell the truth
Instead of these alibis
I think I'm running out of patience
I think I'm running out of lies
I think its bout time I tell the truth
Instead of these alibis

Her verse seemed to solidify what she already knew. Maybe it was the fact that they went as far as to record it. Setting it in stone. Something that would always be present unless they chose to let it go. She managed to tune in yet after a few minutes, resuming the twirling of her chair.

Sugar, well I'm thinking
That you really need to be my pet
Oh really?
And let me put you in my little cage, c'mon
I'm sick and tired of playing hard to get
With an animal that's half my age
Sugar, well well

Jamie stopped yet again, this time in his direction. "Are you releasing this?"

His shoulders rose and fell, "Should I?"

She in turn replied with the same gesture.

I think I need you to be my girl
Travel with me around the world
Baby baby
So's on paper this works out fine
So fine, so fine
But not half as fine
As when I get time
With you

With a funky bass and horn section accompanying the drums, the song came to a close.

"So," he uttered. "What do you think?"

"It's good. Kinda cute. And yeah, you do love her and anyone who hears this will realize the same."

The room fell silent with her words lingering in the air. He did love her.
"Sometimes I feel like I loved her for all the wrong reasons."

The confession was one she hadn't expected. With her legs still crossed she fiddled with a loose thread on her jeans when he continued.

"In the beginning she reminded me so much of you. Then I got to know her and fell in love all over again. And now I just, I don't know sometimes. I know I told you that before but it's true."

Jamie kept her head down, still focused on the piece of string, rolling it between her fingers. She didn't want to hear this. Whether he knew it or not, he was crossing the line. The line of this so called friendship.

"I have my days. Days when it's just her, but the moment I think of the past there's nothing but doubts."

"Then don't think about the past." It was the only thing she could think of as a proper response. "Worry about the now, P. Not the past nor the future. Just... now. Take each moment as it comes because it's all that'll ever matter. You should know that better than anyone. Mister I don't believe in time."

That earned a hearty laugh. "Yeah, you're right. I should know better."


Jamie suddenly was pulled closer to him, "Whoa, what are you doing?"

His response came rather calmly, "I'm thinking about the now."

Jamie searched his hazel eyes that appeared to glimmer, looking for a reason behind his statement. Soon she found it the moment his lips collided with hers.

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