Baby Names 462 - 526

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481. Bes (Egyptian) the god of dwarves, protector of households, mothers and children, and has the ability to scare off evil spirits. Bes is considered extremely good luck, and will watch over the common man, children, women in childbirth, and anyone else who needed protection from evil. bes

482. Horus (Egyptian) known as the Avenger, son of Osiris and Iris, he defeated his uncle Set and became the new pharaoh of Egypt. Afterwards, all mortal pharaohs considered themselves to be descendants of Horus. hawr-uh s

483. Bastet (Egyptian) the goddess of cats, the home, fire, sunrise, music, dance, pleasure as well as sexuality, fertility, family, pregnant women and children. BAAS-TehT

484. Anu (Celtic) Mother Earth, goddess of fertility, prosperity, comfort. An-oo

485. Arawn (Celtic) God of revenge, terror,  war, and the underground kingdom of the dead. Ar-awn

486. Badb (Celtic) a goddess of war and death and the creator of confusion, she is a member of the fearsome Morrigan, the triple goddess of death and prophecy. bov

487. Belenus (Celtic) A sun and fire god, associated with science, healing, hot springs, fire, success, prosperity, purpification, crops, vegetation, and fertility. BEL-en-us

488. Brigit (Celtic) goddess of spring, life, fire, fertility, the hearth, all feminine arts and crafts, and martial arts. Closely associated with healing, physicians, agriculture, inspiration, learning, poetry, divination, prophecy, smithcraft, animal husbandry, love, witchcraft, and occult knowledge. Breet

489. Cernunnos (Celtic) the horned god, master of wild places and things, he was a mediator of man and nature, able to tame predator and prey. Ker-noo-nos

49O. Taranis (Celtic) god of storms and thunder, associated with bad weather and sacred wheels. ta-RAN-iss

491. Aengus (Celtic) god of youth, love, and poetic inspiration. He had powers over life and dath, including the ability to resurrect the dead. eng-iss

492. Beira (Celtic) queen of winter, goddess of the cold and the winds. She controlled the weather and the winds. Also known as Cailleach Bheur. b ai r ah

493. Gwydion (Welsh) a magician and trickster, that possesses a dubious nature. Gwid-ee-ohn

494. Dagda (Celtic) chief of Tuatha de Danann, god of life, death, seasons, agriculture, fertility, magic, and druidry. dahg-duh

495. Dionysus (Greek) god of the grape-harvest, wine-making, wine, fertility, uninhibited passion, ritual madness, religious ecstasy, festivity, and theatre. die-on-eye-sus

496. Hestia (Greek) goddess of the hearth, home, architecture, domesticity, family, and the state. He-s-ti-a

497. Hecate (Greek) goddess of magic, witchcraft, night, moon, ghosts, and necromancy. HEK-UH-TEE

498. Melinoe (Greek) goddess of ghosts, represented as a bringer of nightmares and madness. m ell-een-AW-ee

499. Hephaestus (Greek) god of fire, the kiln, master of metallurgy, stone masonry, forges, and patron of all artisans. He was also known as a disabled god. hi-fes-tuh s

5OO. Atlas (Greek) a Titan famed for his prodigious strength and intelligence, after the war of Titans versus Olympians, Atlas became the titan who held the world on his shoulders. aht-les

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