The News

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Captain Beverly Bass is cruising along westbound over the North Atlantic, flying a 777 from Paris to Dallas. All of a sudden air to air traffic says "At 8:46 there's been a terrorist action and 2 planes were used to bomb both twin towers. Captain Bass gets ordered to land in Gander, Newfoundland. At this point, she is feeling nervous.


Beverley is in LA and her husband Tom is home in Dallas. She used a payphone to phone him and tell him that her pregnancy test was positive. They were both very excited because they had been trying to have a baby for a while now.

*End of Flashback*

She got on the intercom and told the passengers "Due to a terrorist attack, the US air space is closed and we will be landing in Gander, Newfoundland" As they descended into Newfoundland, She has one hand on the wheel and one hand on her 8-month baby belly. She is trying to stay calm for the sake of her baby because she knows that if her stress levels get too high, it could result in preterm labour or placental abruption. Right before they touchdown, air traffic control tells her where to park. When she puts on the parking brake, she tells the passengers that they have to stay on the plane until they get the green light to get off or the American air space opens up again. 

Her co-pilot notices that she keeps grimacing every 20 minutes or so and asks her about it. Beverley says that they're just Braxton hicks. They keep getting stronger and more regular so she wonders if she could be in early labour. She then feels a big kick and a gush of fluid. She puts one hand on her belly and the other on her co-pilot's arm to get her attention. She tells her to radio the control tower for an ambulance. The co-pilot picks up the radio and says "Air traffic control, this is the co-pilot of American Airlines flight 469. We need an ambulance because our Captain has gone into Labour. The tower replies with "10-4, what's your location?" "In between an Air Canada 737 and a British Airways jumbo jet." said the co-pilot. "okay, we are calling for an ambulance now" replies the tower. The co-pilot ends the conversation with "Thank you."

In no time at all, they heard the siren of the ambulance. The co-pilot helps her stand up and get down to the ambulance. They loaded her into the ambulance and sped off to the hospital. The co-pilot went back into the plane and explained what was happening to the worried passengers and urged them to stay calm.

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