chapter 1

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hi so... i may or may not be slightly intrigued by this ship i wonder how far i can take it? mainly because my lovely boyfriend wants me to write a good fanfic so here.

i love you.

now say it back.

Travis POV

I began to walk down the halls of the school we all know and love... love? yeah right... this place was a living hell ruled by the queens and kings their self. i on the other hand never fit in... was it my bruises? or my brutal hate for gays? why am i even saying this... i don't hate gays i just hate myself!!

i continued to walk down the hall making it closer to my locker as i noticed a blue haired boy, sal fisher... the boy who thinks he better than everyone yet the boy i like. his blue hair complements his eyes well... and and his figure small yet proportionate. but as i move my eyes to the right there he stood... larry johnson... a lanky man with beautiful brown hair that was pretty long to a mans liking. he always smelt of a mixture of pot and cologne and often times had pain on his hands.

"whatcha lookin' at fag?!" i called out as i passed... noticing sal had been staring as i day dreamt. "don't you have a better word to use travis?" sal spoke with kindness and a gentle tone. he was very soft when it came to arguments. "no i don't so why don't you help me find a new one... sally face." i continued to push my luck... i mean it was the only way i was able to speak to him after all. "i don't know maybe try... boy? or kid?" sal muttered gently behind his mask— his eyes skimming the floor to try bans find solutions. larry on the side of him started to get a bit angsty, "come on travis why don't you scram and leave us alone dude." he spoke in a louder more rough tone. i began to looked up and crossed my arms, "and what if i don't leave huh? whatcha gonna do about it." he smirked closing his eyes as he pouted like a child testing out his limits again. but before i could react larry had me pinned to the locker towering over me with his lanky build. "this... you scared now you little shit?" larry came closer to his face almost biting his own tongue. "n-nothing." i stuttered.... dammit i stuttered! looking down i could feel myself tremble... dammit... then my cheeks started to heat up— dammit i was blushing larry would know now i'm gay! fuck!

bwhahaha here its a little teaser for what's gonna happen... i love youuuuu


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