~~all alone~~

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jisung decided to go to his lake instead of going home, he didnt want to go home yet.

the blonde loves it at the lake with his fairy lights hanging from the trees, his table, and hammock. its his escape from the reality of the world. jisung was indeed a diffrent. but we will get into that another time.

it had started becoming really dark and had started to rain, little did he know that someone was watching him.
"hey" a voice spoke, "what are you doing out here flower. boy~?"

"uh whos there???" the boy said,
"its minho, did i scare you?" minho words as he emerges from the dark
"n-no, what are you doing out here its late and you couldve gotten hurt??"
"i had the sense you wernt going home so i followed you, wanted to see where i could find you if something happened and i ever needed you, you seem trustworthy and friendly" the brunette said.
"o-oh uh, well this is my little space, im always here im rarely at home, i dont like home." jisung responded.
"well thats okay, well you are welcome in the castle anytime, oh wait i didnt catch your name!!" said the prince
"oh its jisung,,,, and are you sure? im not exactly welcome near royalty,,"
"whatever do you mean dear, you are a human boy right?" he questioned
"uh well you see yes and no, ill tell you another time." he explained
"oh well," minho responded, "you still seem cool and no one has to know"

the rain started to pick up and it was getting darker and darker. "hey you should come to the castle, ill phone your roomates and or guardian"
"o-oh okay" ji responded

and so they were off, jisung lead the way out because minho didnt know how to get out of the forest setting, as it was his first time there.

tbc,,, sorry for slow updates

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2020 ⏰

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