Alice smiled a little, a tiny giggle escaping her lips. Y/N smiled, too, she had never spoken so much in her life. Especially not after she was picked up by her old coven.

When they had to stop for gas, Y/N and Alice traded spots. As they continued driving, Bella eventually woke up, picking her head up from Alice's shoulder where she had fallen asleep.

She sent a message to her mother and was quiet the whole rest of the ride. The car fell into silence, despite a few exchanged words here and there. Throughout the next day of driving, they barely stopped to eat, Bella had not been quite hungry and Y/N really didn't care for food at the moment either.

As nightfall neared, Y/N had fallen asleep, exhausted from her lack of sleep the night before. Her head rested on the window as she slept soundlessly. Jasper's gaze wandered to her every now and then.

He felt himself being drawn in by how calm she'd been while she slept. Even Bella seemed anxious when she dozed off, not quite calm, instead on edge. But Y/N seemed to be in perfect peace when she slept, leaving Jasper with the same feeling.

"Jaz?" Alice asked as she caught Jasper looking toward Y/N again. "Are you okay?"

He nodded, "Yeah. She's just so calm, it draws me in."

Alice nodded and bit her lip a little before saying, "She seems nice. I haven't gotten anything from her, no visions. She's just been trying to help and all she seems scared of the other vampires. I don't think she'd still be on their side. I think we can trust her."

Jasper huffed a little laugh, "I think I could have told you that. This whole time she's been around us, she's only been scared, on edge, or calm. There's nothing that seems out of the ordinary....except..."

Jasper stopped talking then, turning his full attention to the road. Alice looked at him, "Except what, Jasper?"

He shook his head before slowly explaining, "Her emotions are so much more...intense. It's a reason I keep looking over at her. With her being so calm, and it being so much more heightened than any other person, it distracts me."

Alice nodded and looked out her window as she said, "Maybe it's a witch thing."

Jasper nodded, "Yeah...a witch thing."


Y/N woke up in an unfamiliar place. She was used to it, travelling all the time with vampire nomads, she learned to find it normal.

She looked around and sat up slowly from the bed. She rubbed her eyes and wondered how she'd gotten there. She shrugged when she saw no one.

She had dreamed it all, she was sure.

Jasper, Alice, all of it.

She was in a new, stolen motel room and Laurent, James, and Victoria had went out to hunt.

When she stretched her limbs, she sighed and stood. As she stood from the bed, it was then she saw the brunette haired girl lying passed out on the covers.

Y/N shook her head, it was a dream. She should wake up.

But it wasn't. Laurent had left her, James and Victoria were hunting this girl, and Y/N was helping her.

She didn't know whether to cry or just go with everything. She swallowed whatever tears she expected to start to pour, and went into the living room. When she saw Alice sitting at the table, staring blankly at the TV, she greeted in a small, sleepy voice, "Hi, Alice."

Alice looked at her then and smiled, "Hi. How did you sleep?" She was clearly happy to have someone else to talk to.

Y/N shrugged, "Where's Jasper?"

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