"Lydia, are you alright?" I ask. She looks stuck on her words.

"Mami..." Pen walks up to her. "Um... I think I am done speaking." Lydia gets up and walks to her room. I place my hand on my chest, I feel so bad.

Lydia ends up telling Pen the story about her older sister that she had to leave behind. We could still hear, though, it's just a curtain. Me and Elena end up crying. I put my head on Alex's shoulder and he rubs my back.

Pen opens the curtain and see's us all huddled up, "I'm guessing you heard?" Schneider scoffs through his cry, "It's just a curtain!" Me and Elena walk up to her and give her a hug.

"I had no idea what our families been through... I'm gonna take that diversity spot." Elena says and Lydia claps.

"Abuelita, I didn't mean to make you upset." Alex apologizes to her. "Ay, no, no. It's okay, honey. I will say it all again. Just let me re apply my make up. I didn't come all this way for you to get a B."

"Because..." I start and they all join in, "An A is an A, but a B is an F. And C is for China, which is where you're gonna live now."

I love the Alvarez's. They make me feel like I have a family to rely on. "Bianca, can I talk to you?" Schneider asked me. I nod and walk out. "What's up?"

"Um... Well, I spoke with your dad last night, and he told me that he caught your mother with one of their clients..."

"Okay? Doing what?" I ask him. He's hesitant to talk. "Spill it Schneider." I say. "He found them in bed together."

My heart stopped for a second. My mom cheated on my dad? My mami cheated? "What?" I say in disbelief. "My mom wouldn't do that..."

"Bianca, I'm sorry. Your parents want to speak on the phone with you in about... Four minutes." He says. I pull out my phone and see it's four minutes until six p.m. I sigh and close my eyes.

"I'm gonna go to Elena's room to take this call." I say to them all. I get to Elena's room and sit on her bed. My anxiety really rose just then. What's gonna happen to my family?

The minutes take forever to go by and I decide to just call them on my own. I hit the facetime button on my dad's contact and wait for them to pick up. They answer.

"Hi, mija." My mom is there with him. She waves to the camera and I smile a bit. "Hi." I wave back.

"How are you? How's it like living with Schneider?" Dad asks me. "It's great... You already asked that last time?" I mumble the last part to myself. "So, um... Schneider told me about Mom's affair." I bluntly tell them and my mom sighs.

"Bianca-" My mom starts.

"What's gonna happen?" I ask. "Bianca, sweetie... Your mother and I are getting a divorce." My dad tells me. I sigh and start to cry. I turn the camera up so my parents don't see me crying.

"Alright." What else am I supposed to say? Hey dad! Stay with my mom even though she cheated.

"Are you guys coming back?" I ask them. "Well, we have a contract stating we have to be here for two years. So, no." My mom says. "We'll be getting a divorce here, and I'll be leaving the business after the contract is up, but we'll see each other during Christmas, I promise." My mom promises me.

Wait, leaving the business? Where will my mom work? Will she even get a stable job? "I don't know what to say." I all I could say. I really don't know what to say. "I- uh... I'll talk to you guys later... I love you."

"Alright, we love you mija, we'll talk to you soon." My mom waves. "Bye, sweetie." My dad hangs up the call. As soon as he does, I break down and cry.

Schneider walks in and sits next to me. He hugs me, "It'll be okay, kiddo. I've went through 5 divorces with my parents. I survived." He joked to lighten the mood. I laugh a bit and cry into his chest, "I don't want my family to break."

"I know... I know." Schneider nods. "But, you've got me. And the Alvarez's." I smile and hug him back.

Then there's a small knock at the door. We look up and see all of the Alvarez's. "Can we come in?" Pen asks. I nod and they come surround us in a hug. I hug them back and laugh a little.

"I get it, Bianca... We get." Elena points to herself and then Alex. "And you'll get through it."

"Thanks you guys. Being around you guys makes me feel like I have a family." I smile.

"We are family, mi amor." Lydia hugs me.

Alex ends up getting an A on his project. I did too, and I wanted to call my parents to tell them. At least tell them I didn't fail 7th grade. Or just... Talk to them. But, it goes straight to voice mail, again. Besides our last call, I've only spoken on the phone with my parents 3 times over the phone since they left and they've been gone for months. And now with my parents divorce taking place, there will be less family calls.
It makes me sad. My parents basically have no time for me anymore. I was hoping this summer I would go up to Brazil and hang with them, but I guess not.

But, it's alright. I've got the Alvarez's.

Ib: Beth, the author
of Changes💞


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