"Hey, Pen. This is Rachel." I introduce them.

"Oh, I know Rachel." Pen waves to her.

"Hey, Ms. Alvarez." She waves back and we sit down at the table and go on our phones. "So," She starts. "Have you told Alex you like him?"

"Shh!" I shush her and point to Pen. "And, no. I don't even know if I will."

"Well, I think he might like you back." Rachel smirks.

"Yeah, I think so, too." Pen agrees with her. My jaw dropped. I didn't think she was listening. "Don't worry, I won't tell him. But, mija, I agree with her. Like-" She starts, but then the V.A. picks up.

"Alvarez, 2294!" She shouts. After a few seconds of silence, she's back on hold. Just then, Alex and Finn walk in with Schneider. "Hey! How was baseball?" She asks them. They tell her about their game and they tell her how it was. They come sit next to me and Rachel.

"What happened to your shoulder, Ms. Alvarez?" Finn asked. Rachel and I roll our eyes at Finn, we can't stand him. Pen tells the very dramatic story of how she injured her shoulder.

"I know the last part doesn't sound very interesting, but hey! It's a war wound."

Finn stands up and says, "Well, I thank you for your service Ms. Alvarez." He solutes her. Rachel chuckles at him. "Yeah, don't do that." Pen smiles.

"That's embarrassing." I whisper to Rachel and she continues to laugh. "Hey, mom. Can we get some money for the fair?" Alex asks.

"Yeah. Take ten dollars from my purse." Then, Alex starts sighing dramatically, "What, papito?"

"It's just, we need at least 20 to do anything fun."

"Oh, it's fine, I'll bring my money." I speak up and offer to pay for them, "See, you don't even need the ten dollars." Pen jokes with him. Alex rolls his eyes and takes the ten dollars.

"Alright, lets go." I say and we all head out. "So what first? Minigames, food?" I ask.

"Well, I'm starving, so food, please." Rachel begs.

"You're always hun-" Finn starts but Rachel holds up a finger to stop him.

"Don't start with me, Finn." I laugh and link arms with her, "Leggo."

I've been to many street fairs. Some in Hollywood, some in L.A., some even down in Florida. They're so fun. I've never been to this one, though. "Oh, I see a hotdog stand." Alex points and we walk to it.

"I'm paying for you Rachel, and don't try and stop me." I say before Rachel could say anything. "Can you pay for me, Bianca?" Finn asks.

I turn to him and laugh, "No."

"You're paying for Rachel!" Finn says. Wow, I had no clue.

"I don't wanna pay for you, you're rude." I simply say and pull out my wallet. "Petty much?" He mumbles. "Pretty petty." I agree with him.


The day goes by alright. Finn doesn't ask me for money and he's staying away from me. Rachel and Alex make sure I have a great time, though. But there is a point where Finn runs out of money. He pulls Alex to the side to talk to him.

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