Mrs. Eruditus let out a sob of relief when her daughter's familiar smile finally made a re-appearance. It seemed at least one of her children was alright.

"And Gaia," Lele paused, biting her lip, "She'll be fine, mom. Gaia's not one to let her emotions ruin her for too long. She'll be fine soon. You know her."






Lele's voice snapped her out of her thoughts, her mind registering that they were at Platform 9 ¾, about to board the train. She sighed, shaking her head.

"You really should stop thinking about it," Lele commented.

"I'm not thinking about it!" Gaia defended.

"You can't exactly lie about how you about that kind of thing if your hair tells everyone the truth," Lele said with a small grin.

Gaia rolled her eyes, smiling fondly. She shook her head slightly, the blue color retreating back to her roots.

"I really am fine. I think it's just because we were at home. It's easier not to think about it when we're at school," Gaia said, Lele nodding in reply.

"Yeah, it really is," Lele said, "Well anyway, I'm off to find my friends."

"Do you mean your secret lover?" Gaia said, a teasing grin on her face.

"Shut up," Lele mumbled, though her face was flushed as she turned her back to her sister and walked away.

Gaia watched Lele walk away for a few more moments before turning around and starting to look through the compartments. By the 5th compartment, she found the Weasley twins with Lee Jordan. The moment she opened the door, the three Gryffindors went quiet, two of them staring at the girl with wide eyes.

"Oh, were you discussing something? I wasn't going to patrol 'til later so I decided to come find you. But if you were in the middle o-"

"No!" Fred hurriedly said, "No, we weren't really, uh, discussing anything important."

"Yeah!" George cleared his throat.

Gaia looked at the two weirdly, stepping inside and sliding the door closed behind her. She sat down beside Fred, across from Lee.

"Why are you three acting weird?" Gaia asked.

"Well-" George glanced at his brother.

"I'm not. These two went quiet so I decided to go quiet as well." Lee shrugged.

Gaia let out a small laugh before tilting her head at the twins.

"Seriously, what's wrong?" Gaia asked.

"Gaia. The last time we saw you, you were a bit..." Fred hesitated to continue.

"Distraught?" George supplied nervously.

"Oh," Gaia's eyes spaced out for a moment before a smile covered her face, "No worries, I'm fine now. I'm sorry about not answering your letters. I wasn't in the best state of mind. I'd rather not talk about it," Gaia said.

"Alright." Fred smiled before it turned into a full-blown grin, "You ready to get beaten by Gryffindor in the Quidditch Cup again?"

Gaia scoffed, the memory of Lucas already being pushed to the back of her mind in the presence of her best friends.

Pink || Fred Weasley [discontinued] Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat