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Ye Zun is seen to fall over on the ground, alone in the palace.

"Why? Why? Why?" he exclaims with extreme frustration and desperation.

Shen Wei enters the arena looking exactly how he looked 10000 years ago, he moves closer to Ye Zun, "Everything is over now, let's go home..."

"Do I have a home?" Ye Zun asks Shen Wei and smiles resentfully. "Where is my home? At that time when you abandoned me, I didn't have home anymore"

***The flashback of what happened 10000 years ago is shown in the drama from Ye Zun's perspective.***

After Ye Zun finishes narrating, Shen Wei comes closer to him and sits down in front of him. "So is this the reason why you hate me? But you are wrong! I have never abandoned you..."

***The flashback of what happened 10000 years ago is shown again but from Shen Wei's perspective***

Ye Zun is devastated after learning the truth and cries while smiling, he looks up at Shen Wei with the light of hope in his eyes, " Brother, you didn't abandon me. You have never abandoned me!"

She Wei puts forward his hand, "Brother, let's go home."

Ye Zun is weeping at this point as realization strikes him that for 10000 years he lived with a lie and wasted all his energy hating someone who dearly loved him 

Shen Wei nods at him and Ye Zun puts his hand on Shen's, Shen grabs his brothers hand tightly and smiles at him. Both of them start walking towards the exit holding each other's hand when Shen Wei halts. Someone is calling him...

"Shen Wei..." he hears

Shen Wei turns around and sees Yunlan lying on the floor holding the River Awl, Yunlan calls out again, "Shen Wei" while taking deep breaths.

"If you have considered me as your brother, live on... you will always be special to me and I will never leave your side..." while Shen Wei said this, Yunlan is unaware that Shen Wei is looking at him. Shen Wei looks down at his locket which is glowing in the color of his power; he lets out a small smile realizing that he had succeeded to do what he had intented to. He takes out the locket and rolls it to Yunlan, "if at all it is possible..." with a heavy heart he lets his thoughts trail away.

Shen Wei gives one final look at Yunlan, Ye Zun presses on Shen's hand, which brings back Shen's attention, Shen breaks his gaze away from Yunlan as tears fall from his eye that he is helpless and not being able to help his precious Yunlan...

Ye Zun and Shen continue towards the exit....

Ye Zun and Shen continue towards the exit

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GUARDIAN, 镇魂 - HAPPY ENDINGWhere stories live. Discover now