🎶World Conference🎶

Começar do início

When they finally arrived at the hotel, Yao smiled and thanked the driver. Paying with a generous tip, Yao shut the door and watched as the yellow vehicle puttered away. Turning back to the hotel, he entered into the large lobby.

The friendly hotel employees waved to him and smiled, and he did his best to return the favor. Making his way to his room, Yao fumbled for the keycard. Finally he pressed it to the door and opened it after the resounding click and small green flash from the lock.

Entering his room, Yao made sure to pack all of his things, other than a change of outfits for the next morning and other essentials like a comb and his green tea.

Yao also took out his eyedrops, hoping that they could aid his vision until the literal smog behind his eyes cleared.

Blinking as he put them in, Yao frowned as they didn't seem to have any effect. Using the microwave provided in the small room, Yao made his green tea and sipped it as he set an alarm on his phone for the morning.

Finally after what felt like hours, Yao was able to put on his night robe and fall onto the bed.

And he was unpleasantly surprised when he woke the next morning.

His phone began to blare with its alarm, and Yao groaned as he flipped over to grab it off the nightstand. Eyes still closed as he pressed the screen to stop the alarm, he yawned and stretched.

And then he opened his eyes to see nothing but darkness.

At first he was confused. That was peculiar, now wasn't it? After rubbing his eyes and blinking hard several times, fear began to trickle into his chest. He seriously could not see a thing.

Yao immediately shot up, now fumbling for his phone again.

"Siri, call Kiku," he said quickly.

"I'm sorry. You need to log into your phone in order to call someone." The monotone feminine voice replied to him. Yao scowled, crossing his arms.

He picked up his phone again, and held it out in front of him like he were taking a selfie. After a moment he swiped up and repeated himself.

"Siri, call Kiku," and Yao could have cried out in relief when Siri buzzed and began to ring. Thank the lords for Face ID.

"Siri, put me on speaker," Yao commanded shakily, bringing the phone to his chin. After two rings, Kiku picked up.

"Hello, Kiku Honda speaking," he droned, almost mechanically.

"Kiku, I have a serious problem," Yao said urgently. Across the line he heard a small sigh.

"If this is about the noodles at the restaurants being overcooked again then I'm not coming to help you," Kiku said quickly.

"No! No, this isn't about that," Yao almost pleaded. "Last night at the meeting, when I told you my eyes were going bad again? Yeah well I woke up this morning and I can't see anything."

"Did you try your contacts?" Kiku asked.

"No, I mean I seriously cannot see anything. It's all... black," Yao trailed off, still glancing around like he'd be able to see something by some miracle.

"Well this is not good," Kiku said, voice wavering. "Are you at least on your flight home?"

"No! I'm still at my hotel!" Yao cried. "I don't even know how I'm supposed to get there. Can you come pick me up?"

"I would, but I'm already on my flight back to Japan," Kiku said worriedly.

"Well do you know of anyone who can come help me?" Yao asked, fear making its way to his voice.

"Well, I'm sure Arthur and Alfred are still there," Kiku suggested. Yao grimaced.

"I would really rather not have the entire world know of my situation. And with those two, it would spread like wildfire," Yao said curtly.

"Well, I can ask the others if they are still around," Kiku said. "But I'll have to hang up for a moment."

"Fine, please just hurry," Yao replied. The small beep of Kiku hanging up seemed to resonate in the room, and Yao shifted at the silence.

He frowned, twisting his fingers in the sleeves of his robe, before his phone began to ring again. Quickly, he told Siri to answer.

"There is one country still in London," Kiku said as soon as Yao picked up. "His flight leaves soon, however, so go unlock your hotel door. What room number are you?"

"86, and who is it?" Yao asked, stumbling as he stood up shakily. Holding the hand not used to hold his phone out in front of him, Yao felt his way along the wall to the door.

"Ivan," Kiku said bluntly. Yao flinched as he continued to run his hand along the door, fiddling with the locks. "Why would you send him?"

"Well, would you like out of London or not?" Kiku snapped back. "He is the only one who will keep a secret, and the only one who still has a flight out of London."

Yao frowned as he finally got the door unlocked, propping it open just slightly with the 'Do Not Disturb' card. "Yeah I guess so."

"Good. Now, I have to go. But please, call me if things get worse. I don't think they can, but you know what I mean," Kiku concluded softly.

"Will do," Yao responded. "And also, thanks a lot. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Anytime," Kiku said happily. "Goodbye, I'll be sure to visit as soon as you get back."

And with that, Kiku ended their call once more.

Yao waited for what felt like another eternity, sitting on his bed. And then several footsteps sounded in the hall, stopping at his door. A small knock, and then Yao could hear the door opening a bit.

"Hello?" A voice echoed throughout the room. Yao mentally flinched again. "Yao, are you here?"

"Just come in," Yao snapped to the Russian, frowning.

"Alright," Ivan replied smoothly, closing the door behind him. Yao heard his footsteps, muffled by the carpet, reach the side of the bed Yao was sitting on.

Oh, how horrible this was going to be.

This is quite cringe-worthy. However, I couldn't stop myself from writing this.

Hope you enjoyed, and more chapters will be on the way soon!

Feel, Listen, Hear 🎶 RoChu Short StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora