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Btw, here's some helpful guide for the very first chapter (◕‿◕✿):

Italics - Thoughts/Flashbacks/Movements

Bold - Conversations/POVs/Author's notes (which is quite rare lol)

Boldtalics - Basically sounds or something like that ._. (I might change it later tho)


The sound of the DJ blasting off some cool music through the speakers. 

Sweaty bodies grinding and humping each other to the beat of the rhythm. Fascinating *rolls my eyes* 

Like, you don't see that everyday in a nightclub. Wooow. *note the sarcasm there*

Why did I even agree to Andrew's request? I would've been happier if we went out to eat in a small shop (of course he'd be the one to pay). I looked around, in hopes of finding Andrew, that twat! Leaving his poor best friend here all alone with no one. How cruel! (ಥ﹏ಥ) Once I find that orange blobbed twat, I will smack him!

After a few minutes of my eyes getting tired of searching, I finally recognized the orange blob I was looking for. And just my luck, he was surrounded by a group of hot guys. Like damn, I'd want to be in And's shoes right now. Leaving those thoughts about hot dudes aside, I contemplated whether I should go to him or wait for him to finish talking with them. But from the looks of it, it looks like And's gonna finish talking to them NEVER!

Okay. As much as I want to approach him, I can't. Why? 'Cause I'm an anti-social introvert. Like even look around me. I'm sitting alone here, on my stool, waiting for my best friend (who already hooked up with someone, I see ಠ⌣ಠ) to come here. I can't even talk to someone without making things awkward or even if I make a joke, they'll think it's quite rude. Andrew's a special case though. Hush (/U_ U)/** 

Turning towards the bartender on my right, I signaled a wave to him.

"What can I get for you, young man?" boy, I was so glad he was kind

"The strongest drink in the house. I wanna drown in my sorrow! ಥ_ಥ" He gave me a thumbs up and went to the 'kitchen'.

He came back a few moments later with a weird pee like colour drink. Okay. Not what I had in mind but I'll just have to deal with it. He passed it to me and before he can even warn me, I gulped it all down. I could taste a bitter sensation on my tongue and the back of my throat burned quite a bit. But it was goddamn tasty!

"Hey bartender! Can I have 5 more shots?" he looked at me incredulously and said

"Woah young man, that's like the strongest drink here in the club. You sure you want 5?" I nodded without hesitation.

"Well alright. Just don't blame me if you do something stupid, ruins your reputation and forget it later." I should probably listen to the bartender's advice but from that one drink I had earlier, I couldn't think straight. 

All I know is that I could feel a goofy smile on my lips and adrenaline was starting to pump through my veins. After drinking those 5 shots, I don't remember what I did. All I remember was Andrew pulling me off of the table and out of the nightclub. I remember puking on streets. And after that I remember nothing. 

God, I hope that I didn't do anything stupid or else I WILL kill myself ;-;

What I didn't know was that I gained the attention of 2 predators that would later on be my demise or my pleasure. 

But in the end, would I have regretted it or not???


Yeet! So here. I changed a few things here

and there but it won't probs be that noticeable so oops anyways


𝕍𝕚𝕠𝕝𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕝𝕪 𝕊𝕨𝕖𝕖𝕥 (Yandere!Male!Twins x Male!Reader) {Slow Updates}Where stories live. Discover now