3. first date

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-he took you to the most expensive restaurant in LA
-he claimed that his girl deserves the best of the best (🥺)
-you wore a very beautiful black jumper cause fuck dresses
-"close your mouth or you're gonna catch flies, awsten"
-"sorry, it's just that you're so beautiful"
-b l u s h i n g
-he was a gentleman and pulled your seat out for you
-after dinner you guys decided to go to the park
-you guys talked all night under the stars
-he even took you back to your apartment!1!1! (such a gentleman 😌)
-"no goodnight kiss?"
-you leaned in and act like you were gonna kiss him but you kissed him on the cheek
-you guys said your farewells and went to bed dreaming of each other

-he took you to a festival
-lots of cotton candy was eaten
-lots of games were played
-you won him a giant bear
-he pouted and said he was supposed to win you something
-he eventually won you a stuffed frog
-you carried that bitch everywhere
-l o t s of hand holding
-you guys took lots of pictures
-the date ended with you guys on the ferris wheel
-you both secretly wanted to kiss at the top but thought it was too soon
-he drove you home afterwards and walked you to the door

-he picked you up on your lunch break and you guys had a picnic in the park
-he made sandwiches and brought caprisuns and fruit snacks
-you guys became that couple and fed each other the fruit snacks
-you guys laid down on the blanket he brought and looked at the clouds
-lots of giggles and cuddles
-he said something funny and you started to laugh uncontrollably
-people stared at you guys but otto scared them off with a glare
-he took you back to work when your lunch break was over

this was so fun to write and my heart said 🥺 the whole time


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