3 days

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Those 3 days changed everything I couldn't believe it but I was strong

Griffin woke me up at 10 am and told me to dress good

I was kinda suspicious tbh but I agreed maybe we're expecting visitors

I put on my clothes and went down to have breakfast I found Jaden was so mad

Y/n:ummmm....good morning jaden

J:good morning

Y/n: what's up with you?you seem sad

J: I'm expecting a visitor I thought I won't see him again

Y/n:and he is?

J:our uncle......yes we have an uncle and before you ask he's abusive so that's why I don't want to see him

Y/n:wait what really I don't understand so please stay with me I'm scared

J:and that's why I bought Griffin you both should stay together upstairs or go out and hang out until he leaves

Y/n:do you know why is he coming?

J:no I have no idea...ohh btw call Anthony

Y/n:of course I will

*Phone ringing*

A:hi babe how are you?
Y/n: I'm all good WBU?
A:good but there's something I need to tell you
Y/n:go ahead I'm listening (I got so scared)
A: I'm traveling for 3 days
Y/n:to where?
A:New York
Y/n: that's awesome but I'm going to miss you so much
A:me too but I gotta go my plane is going to take off byee
Y/n: Byee take care of yourself

*End of call*

I was so sad because 3 days my love is gone and family problems too!

G: what's wrong you seem sad

Y/n: Anthony is travelling for 3 days

G:I know you'll miss him but you should deal with it and be the strong girl that Jaden always told me about

Y/n:thankyou Griffin

*Knock knock

J:go upstairs you both
(Opens the door)

Uncle:oh hey you lil.....

J:okay okay you don't have to complete but why are you here uncle?

U:to take this house which is mine

J:I don't think so grandpa wrote it to my dad as you took the one in Kentucky where you live and dad made me live here

U: alone?


U:what about the thot who's always with you on social media your girlfriend or side chick?

J:do you think I'm like you marry a women and play with highschool girls

U:haha you wish

J:I never intend to plus I'm single

U:and she's?

J:why do you care?

U: because if she's not your girlfriend then I'll tell your dad your son has a stranger living in my house I don't want you to be bad and your friends think that you're fboy

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