FanFiction Results

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Hi love. I read your book till 5 chapters and I have to say that I whatever I am going to say will be completely honest and to make your book better. Whatever I say won't be to bring you down for writing your book, but it would be said so that you can work on the things which need more upgrade in my opinion. So I hope you don't get disheartened with the review or results. These competitions are to make you and your writing way better. And remember, J.K Rowling wasn't accepted many times for Harry Potter Series, but she still believed in herself. So I hope you do the same.

1.The cover seems okay but you should get an eye catching cover made by someone from graphic shops here on wattpad. The title on the cover is way too short and the font doesn't look very appealing. I'm saying this so you can get a new cover and attract more readers.

2. "I" should always be capital, I saw in many sentences that it was not capital. I think you should work on your punctuation because it doesn't seem way too right and it might not look pleasing to the readers. You should also work on your tenses as well as articles. Grammar nazis are everywhere, you might not want to see rude comments on your book so you should work on your grammar as it it important for writing.

3.To all the writers including you, I'd like to tell that never write "I WANNA do that I'm TRYNNA go. I'm GONNA go" you should write that properly as "I want to, I am trying to, I am going to" because when we're writing we shouldn't write slangs in the paragraphs. Writing styles like this 'ANNA !!! I want to GO but she doesn't get it.....!! What do I DO ?? ....." These dots, exclamation marks and unnecessary capitalization is not encouraged. Its gives an unprofessional look to the book. If you want to emphasise on any word then you should make it italic or bold. Mostly italic.

4. I love your vocabulary, it's an amazing choice of words, it blew me away!

5. I like the idea of the blurb but you should write it in better words with better punctuation.

6. Don't write like this (Nods) (Chuckles). It gives a very bad look, instead you should write like this "He nods his at me. He chuckles lightly,". The plot seems very good however. Good work and I wish you all the best in future!

♡♡♡ ➰=========➰

3rd BOOK:

Cover: 1/5

Blurb/Description: 1.5/5

Spelling: 5/5

Grammar/Punctuation: 10/10

Vocabulary/Word choice: 10/10

Technical skills/Figurative language: 10/10

Mood: 7/10

Plot: 10/15

Originality: 15/15

Overall review: 13.5/15

Judge: @Mumal16

Author: NxnsxgnorsDxmon

Title: Wings of Light

Hi love. I read your book till 5 chapters and I have to say that I whatever I am going to say will be completely honest and to make your book better. Whatever I say won't be to bring you down for writing your book, but it would be said so that you can work on the things which need more upgrade in my opinion. So I hope you don't get disheartened with the review or results. These competitions are to make you and your writing way better. And remember, J.K Rowling wasn't accepted many times for Harry Potter Series, but she still believed in herself. So I hope you do the same.

1. The cover is the main thing you should work on the cover. It looks over crowded with images and words. Get it made from some graphic shop on wattpad, it will help you gain readers and your book will look attractive.

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