Flip floop shoop shoop

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This isn't a chapter Sorry- new one later today I promise

I was tagged by Bouncy_Bouncy and TechPvP so uh-

1: I draw alot and think of animation ideas that are way out of my skill level-
2: My pronouns are he/they
3: June may not be my real name but it might as well be since people haven't called me my real name in ages-
4: I'm 11
5: my favourite number is 14
6: Dreamnotfound is the best ship ever you can't convince me otherwise.
7: I have a fucked up sleep schedule.
8: I'm an idot
9: Minecraft is the only game I'm good at and I still suck at it.
10: My room is a mess
11: I have 10 pets
12: I'm pansmexual uwu
13: People scare me. All people. Social interaction is weird.


I know I'm supposed to tag 15 ppl but I don't know 15 people so deal with it. I tried my best-

I'm sorry to everyone who I tagged-

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