Chapter 13 The Ride

Start from the beginning

I nodded, "Lalisa for a girl or Chakrii for a boy."

"Ooh, I like those. I picked Areum for girl and Haneul for a boy."

We then went on and on about the babys until suddenly the carriage stopped.

"Are we here?" I asked.

Hayoon started to look confused, "Definitely not, it takes longer than that to get home."

"Maybe they just want to make a pit stop."

She nodded, "Yea, you're right."

While we waited for the carriage to move again, suddenly the curtain was ripped off the carriage.

"Ah!" We both screamed.

At that moment all the guards that were following us pulled out their swords.

The guard closest to us spoke up, "Hayoon, if you come out willingly your death will be quick."

She gasped and shook her head. And in that moment I jumped out my side of the carriage and pulled her with me.

"Hayoon run! As fast as you can!"

Quickly I grabbed a long stick and she looked confused, "But Wang Shu!"

"Just run!"

She started to cry but she did as I told her. So I put myself in between her and the guards. They were now angry as hell.

One of them swung his sword at me but I dodged it and rammed the stick in his stomach, making his ribs break. And when he was too shocked to move I took his sword and ended him with it.

The guards eyes all went wide but when five guards attacked me at once, I knew I was dead.

Quickly I cut one of their throats and tried to get another, but they grabbed me and held me still allowing the others to chase after Hayoon.

"No!" I screamed.

They were too fast for her. As I watched them gain on her each second was like a stab in the heart.

By now it was too late. One knocked her down and the other raised his sword. Quickly I looked away, because I couldn't bear see her die.

When I looked back over she was now lying lifeless on the ground, blood slowly coming from her neck.

"Ah!" With that scream I broke free from the grasp and got back the sword. "Kill me! I'd like to see you try!"

The guards all chuckled but my new found rage was no match for them, in less than a minute the last remaining guards were dead, while I stood over them panting.

When I was sure they were all dead I ran over to Hayoon.

"Hayoon, wake up!"

But there was no movement. I checked her pulse but there was nothing to be found.

For a moment I just watched her, she was always so nice. I couldn't have asked for a better friend.

I sighed and lifted her up on my back. I can't very well leave her lying on the ground like this. So I carried her back over to the carriage and placed her inside.

I unhooked one of the horses and hopped on it's back.

"I'm sorry, Hayoon."

I know when her family doesn't see her, they'll send someone out to look for her. So she won't be alone for too long. But either way, I felt terrible for leaving her.

But I'm about to give birth and how would I even explain what happened. Its obvious the empress is behind it, but I need to prove it somehow.

But I'll be back in the palace, and when I am, the empress is going to wish she was never born.

The further I rode the more uncomfortable I got when I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my stomach and back area. "Oh no, these are the contractions I read about. I must find a doctor."

I breathed a sighed of relief when the town was finally in sight. I called over the first person I seen. "Where's the doctor in this town!"

"Right down the street on the right, it has a red door."

"Thank you, sir."

I quickly urged the horse to go faster. But when I seen the building I made it skid to a stop.

I tried to opened the door but it was locked so I started to beat on it, "Help, I need a doctor!"

An annoyed voice came from inside, "I'm not open."

"God damnit, if you don't let me in I'm going to cut myself open and have my baby right here on your porch!"

Just then the door swung open and the man gasped, "Get inside, now."

I did as he was told and followed him to the bed on the floor.

"Lay down and take this. It'll help you go to sleep."

"But, I need to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"I'm a man, you need to take the baby out through my belly area."

He nodded, "I see, I've done this before on women. So don't worry. Just drink the medicine and lay down. You'll be fine."

I took a deep breath and drank the medicine all down. As I laid down I felt myself getting sleepy right away. And when my head hit the pillow everything went black.

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