They both looked ahead, watching Katherine beat Lord Strange once again in the game they were playing. "Your youngest daughter...She reminds me of you when you were her age. Her persistent need to win is as bad as yours."

"Oh, I was never that bad," Nora argued and Jasper nodded his head.

"You were," He retorted, causing them both to laugh since they knew he was right.

"She reminds me of her father," Nora confesses, a sad smile on her face as she looked over at Katherine.

Jasper turned to Nora, an apologetic look on his face. "I'm sorry for my clumsiness. I never meant to cause you pain. It is the last thing I want for you after everything you've been through."

Nora smiled and simply nodded. "Will you walk?" She asked, purposely changing the subject.

Jasper nodded, the two of them wasting no time beginning to walk together. "I thought you'd be celebrating, what with Henry having a son," Nora explained and Jasper was quick to add into her comment.

"Which also means that you're a grandmother now," He commented and Nora smiled.

"Indeed," She confirmed before Jasper continued on.

"So, you know, then, that Henry's position is much stronger. There will be alliances, a betrothal for the Prince. And, uh..." he trailed off as Nora stopped walking and turned to face him.

"Should we choose a French princess and make our peace with them?" He asked as he picked a flower from the garden next to him.

He smiled slightly, holding it out toward her.

She playfully rolled her eyes, taking the flower from his grasp before she began to twirl the stem of it between her fingers. "And France is the enemy on Burgundy's doorstep. It would mean you would wage war on my sister-in-law with them. But think about, Jasper, does it truly matter to Burgundy when they're already fighting you both as it is?"

"It is decided, then. You wish to wage war on us alongside Burgundy," Jasper commented and Nora smiled mischievously as she continued to walk with Jasper following after her.

"I have no love of war, I never have. You know this. But sometimes it's necessary. No matter what you say, I cannot like your king," She explained and Jasper sighed in defeat, desperate to convince her to switch back to her side.

Not just because it was what Henry needed to happen, but he himself did not wish to fight on the opposing side of Nora for a second time.

"He is your son-in-law now. The father of your first grandchild," Jasper reminded her, but Nora was quick to cut him off.

"And the man who stole my eldest daughter from me and killed my firstborn son," She retorted, but Jasper continued to argue with her.

"Lizbeth and Henry love each other. He did not steal her. And if it isn't obvious by now, Henry regrets and is consumed by the guilt he carries after killing your son as each day passes. You have too strong a mind to let the past or old scores sway you, Nora," He explained, causing Nora to stop walking once more to turn to face him, "Henry won at Bosworth fairly. In fact, he was the outside chance. You know this."

"I suppose he has you to thank for that," Nora commented, smiling up at Jasper.

"I was by his side throughout the battle and since he was a child," Jasper replied in a calm tone, "I am heart and soul for Henry. I would give my life for him. You know that."

"I do," Nora smiled and nodded her head, "I know because long ago, you used to think the same way of me. But what does this boy do to inspire such loyalty from you and my own daughter?"

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