Double trouble Part 1

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A gentle reminder this contains smut


It has been a year since you started working with MSBY Black Jackals. You applied as a foreign relations officer for the team and worked mostly behind the scenes. You don't usually work with the players and when you do it is mostly with Oliver Barnes and Adriah Thomas. You are a huge fan of volleyball but you can't play. At a young age you wanted to join the club and attend lessons but your family is against it as it will only be another extra expense.

You focused on studying and got scholarships but you gave up when you were in college due to an opportunity to work for a Volleyball team. It made you excited to your bones and you feel happy that even behind the scenes your efforts are showing. Lately, you wanted to switch departments. Your supervisor is very supportive as he knows that you really wanted to be the team manager.

He mentioned that there is a vacant position for Junior manager for the team. You immediately sent an application as a Junior Manager but little did you know that your supervisor has already talked to the Human resource and the coach which secures the job for you. You always eat at the restaurant of Osamu Miya when you have a problem or anxiety. Today, you sent the application and you are nervous. You unconsciously went to the restaurant and sat at the counter.

"You looked tense today. What happened?" Osamu asked.

"I'm nervous. Can you please give me the usual?" You replied sweating.

"Nervous of what?.... Don't tell me!" Osamu exclaimed.

He stopped preparing your order and looked at you with a slack- jaw.

"What?! What don't tell you? What are you even thinking?" You replied surprised and confused.

Then you snatched the onigiri on his hand. You sat back down still confused and started eating.

"Are you pregnant?!" Osamu asked with a worried face.

"WHAT! NO... That's not the reason why I am nervous." You replied with a high tone.

"That's a relief. But if someone got you pregnant and left you. I'm always here." Osamu replied with a huge relief in his chest.

"Stop joking and give me my food." You said getting pissed.

"I'm not joking. You always turn me down or you like my brother. Since he continued playing volleyball?" Osamu replied with a sad face.

"I won't answer that question. Please give me the food." You begged.

Osamu gave you your order. Since it was already a bit late there are no other people around and it's almost time to close the store. He had already finished the closing preparations and just needed to lock the doors. He sat beside you as you ate and kept staring at you. You look back at him with a frown. He poked your cheeks and smiled back at you.

"What happened? Tell me." Osamu asked.

"I sent an application to be a junior manager for the team but I am not sure if I will get accepted." You replied with a worried face.

"I know you can make it. You are hard working and surely no one can match that. Plus you're the prettiest woman in the company." Osamu replied.

"Stop trying to flatter me. Please" You said with a pout.

"You are so cute! I can't take my eyes off you. Even Atsumu agreed with me that you are the prettiest woman in the company." Osamu replied with a smile and while pinching your cheeks.

"Because I might be the only one woman he sees in the company." You replied averting your gaze.

Osamu laid both of his hands on your cheeks and said "You really don't believe a word I say?"

"No. There are a lot of girls out there that like you and Atsumu. I can never go head to head with them in any way. I am just a normal hard working person." You replied with a blush and avoided eye contact.

"Even if I say I am in love with you for the longest time?" Osamu asked.

"Yes, You might just be toying with me. I don't want to get hurt." You replied trying to pull away from his hands.

Osamu didn't let you go and still lay his hands on your face.

He looked at you in the and said "If you don't believe me I guess I just have to force on believing me."

He then pulled you to him and kissed you on the lips. You tried pushing him away but he didn't budge. You gave up after a few seconds and let him do his way with you. He smiled back at you but you averted your eyes. Your face flushed and he grabbed your wrist. He dragged you into the house to his room. You didn't contest since you are caught up in the moment. He locked his door and pushed you to the door.

"Do you believe me now?" He asked with a grin.

You nodded and kept silent. He kisses you again and this time his hands are on your waist. His fingers slowly crawling in your shirt. He stopped kissing you for a moment and looked you into the eye.

He bit his lips and whispered to your ear "Atsumu will never have you."

You didn't understand a word he said. You feel so hot and you can't think straight. He continued by nibbling your earlobe and kissing your neck. His lips are marking you but you don't want to push him away. You liked him and Atsumu since highschool. You applied to MSBY specifically to get close to Atsumu and occasionally see Osamu. Your legs are losing strength and you hold on to Osamu. You wrapped your arms around him. As you hug him, Osamu's hunger more. He wants to devour you whole and don't leave anything for his brother. 


There will be a Part 2 where Atsumu will show up and guess what will happen. 

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