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In the dressing room

Beep: (Curls up and sobs)

Bang: Beep, sweetheart, are you ok?

Beep: (sobbing) No!

Bang: Can I Come in? I wanna try and help you.

Beep: (sobbing) Ok. (Unlocks the door)

Bang: Oh, Beep. It's ok.

Beep: (sobbing) B-B-But Look at me! I'm a mess!

Bang: Come here. (Pulls Beep in close and hugs her)

Beep: (leans on Bang And Sobs)

Bang: Shhhh. It's ok, Beep. I'm here. No need to cry.

Beep: (Sobbing) I don't understand. Why are those guys mean to me? I even got to tell her h-how much I loved her.

Bang: What do you mean?

Beep: (Crying) I love her my entire life. And I just wanted her to be next to me if you weren't around.

Bang: Oh. I see. And also, I brought you this. (Puts her prom tiara on her head)

Beep: (Crying) Thanks. I think I wanna go back out there.

Bang: Ok. Come on.

Jen: Hey, Guys. Can we talk for a minute?

Beep: (Crying) What?

Jen: I just wanted to apologize for what I did. When I saw how embarrassing you were I reminded me of when you stood up for me when I got pick on. I'm so sorry, Beep.

Beep: (kisses Jen on the lips) I forgive you.

Jen: Thanks. Come on. Let's back to the dance.

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