Part two: balloons of mischief

Start from the beginning

"We hit a rock er' something so now we have to stay her'e until the repairs ar' fixed." He spat out quickly not even taking the time to recheck words and say them properly.

"Agh, so we'r stuck er?" I growled under my breath.

He noded, "yes captain sir."

I sighed once more.
"Alright. Might as well go and enjoy our selves. Chika has been up my ass bout going to da beach."


Oh. My. God.

I blushed and hot anger boiled up in my face and head.

God damn that kid. Out of all of the bikinis he could of found he got THIS one.

I looked down once more at the swimsuit.

It was a bikini of course but it had thick straps that crossed over in the back. Then near my breasts it was think and -thank god- covering.... The middle of the top had a ring then the bottoms on each side had rings white the front of the bottoms had a tiny black bow. The whole bikini was black and white stripped.

I blushed even more then grabbed my cloak covering myself then trudging out onto the sandy beach.

* * * *

I sat close to balloon kid on our HUGE blanket that we had spread out on the beach. He had brought a picnic basket and made some stuff but I couldn't really see nor wanted to. When he grabbed the bag of Cheetos and shoved all of them in his mouth he looked back at me confused.

"Why are you wearing your purple thingy?" He pouted sticking out his bottom lip.

Because of YOU. You lil' shit!

I laughed trying to push it off but he didn't want the question to be thrown off that easily. BRAT..

I sighed. "Because it shows more than is like it to ok?" I smiled hopping he'd understand.

"So? It's the beach you're supposed to show off." He huffed and shook his head then continued to eat his Cheetos.


He also then gave me a very confused look and pointed at my sword. It's more of one of those Japanese swords like a katana. My father got it for me when I turned 10-to protect myself and I've carried it ever since.

"You never know who you're going to run into kid." I said proudly feeling the joy in my sword hit me.

Father, thank you so much for this sword.

"Ohhhhhhhhh Okkie." He mumbled like a blonde chick getting math. Ya, that doesn't happen.

I yawned and looked at the time on my iPhone 12:30. . . . Urgh'

"Hey kid I'm going to take a stroll around the beach ok?" I stood up and looked over my shoulder at him.

"Okkie!! I'll watch our stuff!" He smiled again while stretching out on the blanket.

I waved him off and trotted towards the water.

I'm going to make this a good day! Even if it kills me.

* * * *
After a hour of wandering in the water looking for seashells and other goodies I noticed bunny ears-purple ones to be exact- walking towards me.

Alright this is weird. Yea we have ears I have fox ears that match my orange hair but I've NEVER seen purple bunny ears. He MUST of dyed them.

I walked a little closer to them even though they WERE coming my way I just didn't want them knowing I was trying to come THEIR way.


After walking I got kinda excited and started running in their direction though I can't remember why. I just started running. Then I hit something. Or someone,

"Urgh my head owch urgh." I rubbed my head feeling something under me. It had squishy parts and hard parts and that kinda scarred me. I jumped up so I was sitting in a lap feeling and looked at the thing.

IT HAD EARS LIKE MINE!! OMG OMG OMG OK ok stay cool vixen.

It was the handsome guy I saw earlier ya know the one on the ship. Then I got a horrible memory. This dude almost swashed me!!

"You...." I growled.

"You." He chuckled grinning.

This damned, handsome, foxy MAN!

(Yep stopping there!! But now our characters have FINALLY met!! Hopped you enjoyed!^^)

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