"i have one hell of a grudge to hold against you (y/n)!" he spoke, backing up near the balcony. "you idiot! you're life is over women!" he yelled just as he fell over the edge.

i grunted with confusedly, and ran over to the edge. "w-what?" i stuttered again for the hundredth time. "he's gone! he disappeared" i felt my heart sink to the bottom of my stomach as i looked up at polnareff.

right before i knew it i felt a huge chunk of my leg being cut off. i yelped in pain, closing my eyes shut. "what the..." he asked confusedly, picking you up bridal style as he rushed you over to the bad, digging for any sort of cloth and started to multitask.

he was wrapping my wound and talking to mr. joseph and mr. avdol. i blocked out everything he was saying because the pain was unbelievable. how could this happen?

"i'll be there in five, later" he said hanging up the phone but immediately dialing a new number. "yes my lady gouged her leg, could she possibly have some medical supplies? thank you. this is polnareff's room. nine-twelve" while he was talking you noticed a doll under your foot. you pick it up and examined it. it was sure creepy. i set it down on the nightstand as i leaned back into polnareff. i never would see myself doing this in a million years, but i was in so much pain. i bit my lip to help prevent myself from screaming my head off. polnareff got up from the bed and started to search for the room key. "gooddamit where is it?"

"you lost it already?" i said weakly, shutting my eyes and throwing my head back.

"i swear i just had it" he mumbled, getting on his knees and searching the floor. "great, why did it half to go all the way to the middle" he said, reaching under the bed. i felt my eyes weld up with tears, so i shut them to get them out of my eyes.

all the sudden i heard running throughout the room. "polnareff what are you do-" i get cut off by a loud slamming against the bottom of the bed, which made me jump a little.

"damn (y/n) i never knew you were the kinky type" i heard him trying to seduce me, but i'm more freaked out about what the hell just happened.

"what? i didn't do anything!" i couldn't even move off of the bed i was in so much pain. i opened my eyes to see that jackass doll moving around. i'm definitely creeped out but not scared.

i summoned my stand and used issue to grab the doll by its neck. "you fucker" i mumbled, lifting so i could see it. i started closing my stands hand tighter together around the doll, it squirming and screaming. i felt myself getting worked up over the fact that a doll had injured be badly.

it almost felt as if steam were coming from my ears.

"please stop i'm begging you!" the dolls nastily said to me as i made issue squeeze so hard, the dolls head popped off and the whole body was destroyed.

i sighed in relief, and i crawled off the bed. i sat on the floor and used to my stand to flip over the mattress, and untie polnareff from the bed. "and if i were to tie someone down, it wouldn't be on the bottom of a mattress" i smiled at him, trying to hide my pain.

he chuckled at me, but then quickly pick me up, and we were on our way to mr. joseph's room.

"are you okay?" he asked, carrying me bridal style as we walked to an elevator.

"to be honestly no" i sighed and rested my head against his arm.

'she's looks so perfect in my arms' i read his mind on accident, but my heart sort of warmed up.

"hey i'm sorry i was such an asshole to you at first" i said, the elevator dinged signaling that we were on mr. joseph's floor.

"it's okay" he said warmly, and i'm happy he forgave me. we walked into mr. joseph's room and everyone was already there.

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