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I. No one liners. Please make your starters detailed.

II. Please censor out any cursing if it's something EXTREMELY offensive.
Such as c*nt. Regular curse words should be okay, depending on the fandom, and not said every other sentence.

III. Be respectful. This means no racist, homophobic or ableist language. 

IV. No smut, that's for pms only, and only if I am comfortable with how you write.

V. Password I; your favourite fandom/character, and why.
Password II; tag 3 people who may be interested in this RP book. If you can't complete this password, just let me know :) 

VI. You play my crush, and I will play yours. If there are no crushes present, then please play another canon character (if possible), and make it interesting. If we have the same crush it will be split universes.

VII. Do not spam or spam tag me. Tag me after 48-72 hours. 

If you do not abide by these rules- 
You will be warned. 
You will have your thread deleted. 
You will eventually be blocked if you kick up too much fuss.

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