'Get to Work!'

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Dear diary,
Tuesday 29th June 1619
Igniting the world anew with such brilliance, the sun rose with casual elegance. Each day she shone and the world shone back, joyful to reflect those warm rays. The radiant lumbering sun mercilessly flickered with elegance and uninterrupted thrill.

Me and Ibrahim, my adolescent brother where kneeling down on the floor next to the scorching fire that made a reiterate and harmful sizzling noise. We where preparing a dish for our Master who had requested a flavoursome meal before he wanted to send us back to our cotton picking. The Hut we stayed at had lots of rats that where infested with every and any disease. I am right now in the corner of our small Hut writing in this book that my aunt Harriet had giving to me before she got beat to mortality by our master,who's name is still a mystery.

Father says she was the first in this soundless village to try and break free. Her name escapes my head but all I can remember is the first few letters of her first name : 'Harrie....'. Although I have forgotten her name,  I know that She was and still is such a hero and it was bewildering that she had such the audacity. Only fewer people escaped and only a few got to a certain place before dying of starvation. That is all for now, I have to get back to cooking before my master comes. I don't want to end up like Miss Rosa Albuatá.

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