Chapter 8: stitched together

Start from the beginning

She is crying again so am I. I look her right in the eyes one more time seeing this beautiful girl with so much sadnessinside of her and I can't help but think I caused the sadness.

I turn away and leave never looking back. I get in the car and drive towards Kristines house. I pull up to the driveway and get out of the car walking to the door. I knock three times and Kristine answers.

She smile," Coming back for more?"

"Please you wish. I came here to tell you to stay away from Kate just because your a jealous bitch doesn't mean you can go around putting people in the hospital. I love her and she almost died you almost killed her because I can't keep my shit in my pants, I don't love I don't even like you never have never will and you can't take it. I would hit you, but that would make me just as bad as you."

I leave and drive home hating myself. I only picture Kates face in the hospital. I thought I saved her I was the one who put her in danger in the first place.

Now I leave her with mixed emotions, I told her I love her and I am pretty sure she heard me and now I am just leaving her because what Drew said really opened my eyes. Maybe I am not the best thing for Katie. Even though I want to be to more than she will ever know.

I arrive back home and look in Kate's room even though I know she will not be coming home tonight, the doctor said she had fatal injuries. Oh god I missed her presence I missed knowing she was in the room right next to me.

I sit on her bed taking in her scent of oranges and peaches. I always wondered how she smelled that way. It was probably angel kisses. She really did smell like heaven. My baby my sweet baby.


"Drew why the hell did you say that to Parker he already felt bad enough."

"Can't you see he is a jerk."

"Trust me I thought he was a jerk, but after he brought me to the hospital he layed me on a stretcher and even though I was a little woosey I definetly know he said he, loves me. I-I just dont know how to think, I just dont want him to feel bad."

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry I didn't know I just didn't want you to get hurt more than you already have."

"Its ok I'll just talk to him tomorrow. So how are things going with you and Ricky?"

She smiled and I recognized it anywhere it was the same smile Parker wore when he looked at me.

"We are back together and I don't know I am just so happy. I can't wait for you to meet him."

"Hopefully I will get out of here soon so I can."

"You will the doctor says you can leave tomorrow afternoon."

"You promise you will be here to pick me up?"

"Kate I promise."

30 minutes later Drew leaves and once again I am alone in this hospital room. I am no stranger to hospitals. I basically grew up in one. Every year I take a 3 week visit to the hospital while I get shots and run tests. I wondered who would take me there now who would sign the papers. I wanted to push that all aside because it was only the begining of November.

I pick up my phone and call Parker and after 3 rings he picks up.

"Baby I.."

"Parker just listen. I don't blame you for any of this, I decided to be your friend and make my own desicions. I know that you probably feel guilty, but don't. You mean so much to me and having you in my life is worth a couple injuries. Isn't that what friends are for?"

"But baby you know we could never be friends, we would never be just friends and I don't want to hurt you anymore, I am sorry I am so sorry baby."

"I love you Parker."

I could hear his heavy breathing on the other line I could hear the tears streaming down his beautiful face. I could hear how much pain he was carrying how much he was hurt, but no love for me stopped him because he just hung up.

I looked at my phone in my hand sobbing uncontrollably. I didn't care about my injuries because the only one that seemed to take its toll was the hurt in my heart. I knew Parker loved me there was no question and I knew it now more than ever because he let me go. If you love someone you will do anything to protect them even let them go.

I didn't sleep much that night going over the situation that happened in my head. Oh how my heart ached and I would give anything to make it stop. It was a pain more distinct than anything I have ever felt before. If love was an ocean I am sinking.

I wake up an hour before I am schedueled to leave. I am escorted to the bathroom and I am given my clothes to change back into. I wear my adidas pants with a green tank top. I tie my hair up into a ponytail and walk back to the waiting room to get settled until my release.

45 minutes later and Drew still isn't here. I wonder if her mom made her go to school. Or maybe she had forgotten about me. Either way I didn't want to think about it.

I waited until I started to become impatient and then a boy with dark brown hair came running through the door screaming something I could barley hear. It was a voice I would recognize anywhere.

"I am here," Parker said, "I know I am late but I am still here."

I stare at him like he is a mad man and his head whips in my direction. He smiles ear to ear and I can't help but returning the favor.

"Hello Katherine nice to see you alive and well," He said in a fake british accent.

"As goes for you kind sir." I said continuing the theme.

"I will be delighted to be your aquaintist for the rest of the evening," he held out a hand,"shall we."

"We shall," I said giving him a slight grin.

We get in the car and the british thing stops and I am glad because he has a way better accent than me.

"So Parker where are we going?"

"Home I have a whole day planned for you."

"what about school?"

"Forget school missing another day wont hurt and stop asking irrelevant questiongs."

I start crying balistically I start screaming at the top of my lungs and he screams in my ear.

"Kate what is wrong with you!"

I stop and the car is filled with dead silence.

"Why don't you stop asking me irrelevant questions."

He smiles and shakes his head.

"You are something you know that."

"Yes I do and you are stuck with me for know so you better get used to it."

He looks up to the sky like he is pleading to god and I slap him in the arm.

"I was just kidding I wouldn't get rid of you even if you tried."

"Woah woah woah now you are just kidnapping me."

"Its not kidnpping if you want to be here."

"Oh and what makes you think that Mr. Huge ego."

I crossed my arms raising an eyebrow at him, he wasn't going to win this battle, there was no way I would let him.

"Trust me baby you are easier to read than a childrens book."

He smirked and I wore a pout on my face because I knew he won.

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