Chapter 12. Gemda

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Was there something that Muq was keeping from me?

That evening we watched the northern lights far up in the cold reaches of Norway. They were a beautiful green and blue wave dancing with each other like the strings of a musical instrument. These Northern lights, or aurora borealis, were even more intense and frequent since the solar storms of 2013.

Muq and I sat high on the mountain sheltered by a group of rocks. It was arid here and not much plant life remained.

"Gemda, there are some things I need to tell you about myself. There are some things you need to know about your family."

I thought it was odd how Muq referred to my family. I did not consider them to be my family, Marie and Diego, because I never knew them. They were put in to stasis before I even emerged from my seed pod.

"Muq, I don't know them. How can they be my family?"

"Marie and Diego are your family because they dreamed of you. They wanted life on Earth and in the solar system to continue, and they created you like two parents would to protect their planet."

"Muq, that is a lot of responsibility. I don't know if I can do it."

"Gemda, you won't be alone, you have me, the other Hulants and now the nano composites."

"What else is there Muq? There is something you are not telling me."

"First of all take this with an open mind. I have been your caretaker for some time, but before you there was someone who took care of me."

My face felt flush. What was this I was feeling?

"Gemda, I was created by your half sister, Lanida."

I paused for quite some time and said, "I have a sister?"

"Yes Gemda, there were many embryos created by Marie, and one of them was contaminated by pollen from a rose. Instead of destroying the Hulant, Diego saved her and raised her as his own. "

"Wow, that was very selfless of Diego to save her like that."

"Yes it was. Lanida was raised from the moment of inception and, unlike you, she is a few decades older. She matured quickly and in four years she looked the age of 28 year old human. She grew to have romantic feelings for her human father Diego. He wanted none of that and sent her away to San Francisco where she worked with Dr. Eric Vetrick, a world renowned xenobiologist. With the help of Eric, Lanida made me from the human DNA and solar cells. I don't know who the donor for the DNA was. It could have been Vetrick, but Lanida never told me."

"How have you passed the years since you found me, Muq?"

"Well Gemda, I did a lot of reading when I was first created. I had a lot to learn. I learned a lot from Lanida and spent a lot of time with her."

"What is Lanida like?"

"Well Gemda, she looks a lot like you but has fiery red and black hair. She is smart, beautiful and ambitious. But she harbors much anger. She feels she was the rejected child and that Diego does not love her. She feels Diego was waiting for you and that you are the favored child."

"Well that is ridiculous Muq. How could I be favored when Marie and Diego are not even conscious?"

"You've got a point there."

"Gemda I have more to tell you."

"Go ahead I'm ready."

"Gemda, you are pregnant."

"What does that mean?"

"I guess I forgot to tell you the birds and bees lesson. When we were back in the agave farmland I blew some dust in to your eyes. That dust was pollen. I pollenated you and soon you will have seeds that will be released to grow on their own."

"Muq, where did the seeds come from?"

"They are special seeds. Lanida created a small compartment with the dust in it. She told me that when I time came I must give it to someone very special. Someone who could be a humble leader of Earth's next renaissance."

"So you think I am that special person who can lead, Muq?"

"I do. That is why I blew the dust in to your eyes. You are humble, yet fearless and people trust you."

"What happened to Lanida?"

"Lanida wanted and still wants love more than anything else. But her desire for love, love that is forced on others is her downfall. She has to wait for love. The last time I saw her she told me she loved me. I told her that I did not know what love was. She slapped me and ran off like a child."

"Muq, she must have loved you very much and been deeply wounded."

"Gemda, Lanida only knows what physical love is and lacks the maturity for genuine love."

"What is love Muq?"

"I am still learning to know what it is. It is kind and patient. It is the love you have where you would give up your life for someone and make many sacrifices."

"I see." Quietly in my mind I was beginning to think that I would give up my life for Muq.

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