I watched him continue walking without even sparing me a glance to see if I was following or if I've even gotten up. When he was a bit further from me, I kicked and punched the air in annoyance, imagining it was him while I muttered all sorts of profanities.

"Careful, he might see you."

I instantlt froze, putting my hands down to my sides and closing my eyes like as if that would help me get out of yet another embarrassing situation. I cautiously turned around to see Captain Kirk with an African-American lady whose hair was cleanly tied back into a high ponytail, no signs of baby hairs poking out.

"I'm so sorry," I said, slightly bowing my body to show sincerity. "Please don't tell the Commander."

She only laughed, lighthearted, shaking her head as if to say that she wasn't planning on tattling on me.

"What did he do to piss you off like that?" Captain Kirk asked, holding his laughs in. I was going to explain but then the annoying voice of the Vulcan echoed through the halls again. "I am sorry, Captain, but I cannot handle this woman you've assigned to me. She keeps disappearing, she lacks the manners to listen attentively, she was late this morning, and she blamed me for it." The Vulcan complained and all I could do was furtively roll my eyes.

But I found it funny, the fact that he was complaining to the Captain. It only shows I have a certain effect on his feelings which could eventually affect his work. The bottom line that I am hoping for is, when he starts realizing that I keep making him feel annoyed, then he'll try to ignore me as much as he could, which will be good for me.

The Captain, contrast to the obviously bad-mood Commander, had an amused look on his face. "Commander Spock... Are you... Are you getting annoyed right now?" He asked, stifling a laugh. "I do not possess such capabilities, Captain," the Commander answered, yet his eyebrows looked like they're even more scrunched together than always.

Liar, I thought.

"You are. Isn't he, Lieutenant Uhura?" The Captain turned to the woman, apparently called Lieutenant Uhura, who only replied nonchalantly, "I do not wish to speak about the matter."

"I am not in any way agitated, Captain, I am only giving you the facts of her performance, which, as her assigned supervisor, evaluates her character and competency, both of which she cleary lacks." The Comannder said, barely looking at me.

"Spock, this is her first day, let her off it. Give her a week to adjust and she'll be great, promise," the Captain replied, placing a hand on the Vulcan's shoulder and then tapping him lightly. "And as for you, Lieutenant Nova," he added, turning to me with a smile, "see you later." He grinned and was about to walk away but he immediately stopped, turning back around. "By the way, I forgot to introduce, this is Lieutenant Uhura. She's our very talented translations and communication officer. Uhura, this is Lieutenant Nova, our new science officer." The Captain introduced, gesturing to me and the Lieutenant.

"Nice to meet you." We both said as we shook each other's hands. "Let's all have lunch together later, but we have to keep going for now," the Captain said and I only nodded.

We said our goodbyes and see-you-laters and eventually, I was left alone again with the Commander, whom I honestly forgot was even there for a moment.

"I am expecting you to cooperate, Lieutenant Nova, you are forgetting that you are under my supervision and I can get you fired if I report this to the Admiral." The Vulcan continued walking, expecting me to follow. "What are you gonna do? Throw me out in space?" I whispered to myself as I caught up to his large strides.

"Pardon?" He tilted his head down a little to look at me. I shook my head and smiled fakely, "nothing." He only gave me a quick nod before returning his full attention on wherever it even was a while ago.

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