Afterwards, Elaine Sauveur wondered whether her being tortured saved her life. As soon as her screams were heard, aurors and teachers hurried to the source of the sound. Before the death eaters were able to disappear, they had been circled. 

"Give us the girl or we will not hesitate to kill you." The strong voice pulled Elaine out of her pain, out of the darkness trying to consume her. 

"Jacques?" Her voice was no more than a whisper, but her brother heard her nevertheless. He swallowed thickly as he heard his sisters pained voice, while trying to not show an ounce of emotion in front of the enemy.

"You can't apparate of the school's grounds. You are trapped until we send you straight off to Ouessant. Give us the girl now."Jacques Sauveurs voice was as heavily accented as his sisters. Despite his young age, the Frenchman was one of the most prestigious aurors the French ministry had produced in a long time, as he had inherited multiple of his parents' magical abilities. However, nothing in his years of training could have prepared him for the cold hand that crashed his heart as soon as he heard the screams of the one person he had sworn to protect with his whole life. If there was one thing that would surely break him, it was her being in pain. Jacques was aware of the fact that his sister was able to care for herself very well, hell she was the most powerful witch her age he had ever met. But no academic education was able to prepare one for being sought after by the darkest wizards of the Magical world. 

"This is not the last you are going to see of me, little Sauveur, I promise you that much", spit the Malfoy out. Before the aurors could comprehend what was happening, the man had flicked his wand at the girl in front of him for a second time, receiving a pained scream. 

Just a second later he was gone, leaving no trace of him behind. The remaining death eaters left their stance of shock, realising their leader had left them behind. None of them were able to follow him, seeing as they were not powerful enough to overturn the anti-apparating charm that had been laid over the property. One by one, they were captivated by magical bounds, tied down on the floor. 

Jacques Sauveur had no mind for the men. Instead, he rushed over to his sister's side. He was not sure what exactly the last spell had been that was thrown at her, but it couldn't have been a dismissible one. 

"Lili, can you open your eyes for me?", he asked in French, not bothering to acknowledge the teacher that had plopped down beside him. His sister appeared to be somewhat conscious, but not entirely so. 

"Have I ever mentioned to find British people absolutely despicable?", she slurred back, also having fallen back into her native tongue. The older Sauveur let out a sigh at her words- as long as his sister was sassy, she was alright. 

That comfort didn't hold on for long as he realised the red colour seeping through her gown. 

"Lili, I need you to lift your robe for me please." 

His worried tone did not go unnoticed by his sister. Shock was still permanent in her body, so she had not realised any pain prior. Now, as she tried lifting up her robe that she had thrown over her nightgown as soon as she had become aware of the commotion going on inside the castle, there was pain radiating into every single nerve of her body. It felt as if a thousand knives were puncturing each and everyone of her bones, as if she had been thrown against a brick wall and run over by a bus, just to fall down into a pit of burning lava. 

The teacher next to her, which Elaine began to recognise as her favourite teacher for Healing and Herbology, gave her a kind smile. 

"Chérie, I really need to take a look at your arm if that is alright with you. Do you want me to numb it first?", she asked, voice and face features kind and warm. 

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