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Y/n didn't understand the hype around wanting to go to some stuffy ball with an equally as stuffy prince, but to each its own. Sure he was attractive, but a person's appearance should have nothing to do with marriage. There were too many shallow people in this town for her liking.

She continued on her way back to her cottage when she saw a man being cornered by a guard. She saw no one pay attention to the little scene in the alleyway, so she took it upon herself to stop more damage. The man seemed terrified out of his mind.

"How dare you look at us with such eyes?! The prince will have your head for spitting on us!"

"P-Please, no! I can't control how much saliva I create!" Y/n had heard enough to know that there was no reason for this man to be arrested and possibly be-headed. She dashed in front of the defenseless man and glared at the guards.

"How dare you call yourselves guards. All he did was spit on you guys, and it was an accident. He shouldn't be jailed for something so idiotic." The guards didn't answer for a second, and they did by chuckling.

"Wh-What's so funny?!" The guards took off their helms to reveal that they were two of the four guards that were on the prince's carriage earlier.

"Sorry, ma'am. It was the prince's directions. The man wasn't hurt in any way, we assure you. In fact, he was in on it." Y/n turned to see the man smiling, confirming that the guard was correct. At this realization, Y/n blushed.

"Well then what was all this for?" The black haired guard with the most luscious eyelashes Y/n had ever seen reached for something in his bag. He pulled out a ticket.

"It was to help choose which maidens go to the ball tonight." Y/n's eyes widened, and she couldn't help but stare at the ticket with her mouth open. The black haired partner's laughed and brought Y/n out of her daze.

"Oh my, I'm awfully sorry I yelled at you guys!" She bowed, and the two guards looked at each other, mentally saying, we certainly caught a good one. If the prince doesn't take her, we certainly will.

"It's alright, just take the ticket. Make sure to wear something nice for the prince." The black haired guard said before motioning for the other two men to follow him, leaving the H/c haired girl alone in the alleyway with the ticket.

Oh god, do I have to go?


A few hours had passed, and Y/n showed her mother the ticket, hoping she would agree that it was a waste of time. But instead, her mother basically forced her to go to the ball. The only reason she eventually let in to her mother's pestering was all the free food that would be there.

"Seriously Y/n, who cares if you don't love him? You'd have more money then you could imagine!" Y/n frowned as she continued to listen to her mother's useless rambling while finding a dress suitable for the ball.

"Mom, I want to marry someone who I love and someone who loves me back!" She argued back. Her mother simply shrugged before gasping.

"I found it!" She exclaimed before pulling out a beautiful (dress of your choice) out. Even Y/n had to admit it looked amazing. And it was in her favorite color to boot.

"You'll catch everyone's eye if you're wearing this thing! Now c'mon, let's get you in it before the ball starts."



"Shut the hell up, donkey. You have something I need." The man stabbed the woman right in her head, making sure she was absolutely dead. He wiped his knife off before putting it up and out of sight. He fished through her pockets until he found a bronze ticket that allowed you to get into the castle. He smirked.

𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐋𝐊𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐌 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐃𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐄Where stories live. Discover now